Chapter 12: Day 2

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Luke's POV

The second day begins with the bellowing of horns and the war cries of knights. Fina leads our charge as the rest of us follow behind her while arrows and flaming balls of fire sore overhead exploding amongst the orcs. Our enemy scatters under our sudden attack. Some try to stand and fight, but we quickly cut them down while others run for their lives, but none of us is foolish enough to believe this will last forever.

"Our target is the camp up ahead!" Fina yells as our group splits into three. "Our only target is the Grand Orc Sorcerer! Once he is dead, we will retreat back to the city!"

"He's as good as dead," I hear Laurence say from right behind me.

"Just don't go getting knocked out again," Aria warns him. "I might not be around to save your ass this time."

Benjamin fires multiple arrows at once, taking down the orcs guarding the permitter before they can react. The tents explode as Laurence hits them with a barrage of fireballs while Aria and Fina work together, casting spells that blow a hole in the flimsy wooden fence surrounding the camp. On the other side, the orcs can only give us a look of total shock before we cut them down.

"Spread out and find the Grand Orc Sorcerer before the orcs can regroup!" Fina commands as the last of the orc guards fall. "Call out as soon as you find him!"

"I'm afraid you won't find what you seek, I declare," We all freeze and I feel a shiver go up my spine when I hear the evil-sounding voice. I have never heard anything as evil before. "Getting bored of waiting, I was. Glade to have you come to me, I am."

"Everyone retreat. We can't fight this thing!" Fina suddenly sounds scared, and I see her eyes are wide in freight when I gaze meet. "Luke, take the lead. I will be at the rear!"

"Afraid, I cannot let you escape, I am," Before we can even begin to retreat, a bird flies down, blocking the hole in the wall we entered through. "For I have been ordered to slay the hero by my master, I have." The bird rapidly transforms, growing human-like arms and legs, growing out its nails until they are as long as swords. Black feathers still cover its body, and its head remains bird-like, with only a pair of horns growing on top of its head. "Trembling in fear as you face a general of the demon lord, I advise." It raises its hand black flames to surround us, cutting off any chance of escape. "Your deaths will bring me great joy, I smile."

I can only stare. I hear Laurence muttering something along the lines of being too rich to die in a trembling voice as we all take a step back. I grip my sword tightly, feeling my arms shaking. Benjamin is the fastest to recover, firing an arrow, but black flames surround the demon's body, burning the arrow to ash before it gets close. Aria attacks next with an ice shot, but her spell melts when the black flames return.

"Everyone, get behind me!" Fina quickly runs to the front. "Back me up from a distance! Luke! Stay at the rear in case any orcs try to surprise us!"

Fina quickly rushes forward, aiming to cut off the demon's head, but the demon's sword-like nails easily brush her sword away. Once again, Benjamin's arrow and Aria's magic is blocked by the black flame while Laurence's fireball manages to hit, scorching the demon's feathers.

"It has been so long since I felt so warm, I thankful," The demon tells Laurence while parrying Fina's attacks.

There has to be something I can do to help. I am not an archer like Benjamin or have the long-range spells like Aira and Laurence have. I should be upfront with Fina helping her and hopefully creating an opening for someone to kill this demon. But instead of doing that, I am dead weight being useless as we hang out in the background. There has to be something I can do.

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