Intermission One: Elise & Fina Debate Male Health Care

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Intermission One: Elise & Fina Debate Male Health Care

Elise's POV

I used to always be alone when I was a kid. Children avoided me after hearing rumours that my parents were evil. My parents didn't care about me and only pushed me to excel, so I wouldn't embarrass them. I had no one, no one at all. But one day, that changed when he appeared. If I remember correctly, Luke had just moved into the area. I don't know whether he heard the rumours about me, but he approached me when I was playing alone at the park one day.

At first, I ignored him, thinking he would leave just like the others, but Luke didn't leave. The next day he returned, and the day after that, and the next day. I was rude to him. I barely even acknowledged him. But he never left me alone, and when I yelled at him to go, he said I looked lonely and in pain. He used to be such a cry baby as his eyes watered when I yelled at him. Still, after that day, I started talking to Luke every day and eventually, we would play games.

"I don't care about her parents!"

It's funny. When we first met, Luke defended me, while now I am the one that shields him from bullies. It was about three months after we met and I had just arrived at the park when I saw them. I didn't know it at the time, but the boy who I saw threatening Luke was Jack. He had Luke against a wall with two other boys blocking his escape. Still, despite shaking, Luke refused to give in to Jack.

"Elise is Elise!" Luke yelled. "I don't care about her parents, only her!"

That was the first time anyone said they cared about me. Ever since I was born, my parents left me in the care of their maids. They never said anything nice to me, just o try harder and do more. Looking back, I think that was when I started to fall in love with him. It was also the day I learned what anger was. When I saw Jack punch Luke hard enough to knock him down, something inside of me snapped.

I must have blacked out because one moment, I was simply watching Jack about to kick Luke while he was down, and then the next thing I know, I was on top of him. Jack was below me, looking terrified with blood pouring from his nose and a cut on his upper lip. My hands hurt and were covered in blood. Luke was there holding me back, begging me to stop. I had no idea what had happened, but I was glad I did what I did when Luke hugged me, begging me to calm down as Jack ran away with his lackeys.

Ever since that day, we were always together. We played video games, ball games and board games. Other kids wanted me to join them as the years went by. As we got older and kids around us realised the wealth my parents had, they suddenly wanted to become my friend. We used to let them play, but I sent those kids away when they tried to push Luke away. I didn't care that I was not popular. I was happy just being with Luke.

I wish things could have stayed that way forever. I wished we could have stayed young and played our games to the end of time. But time wasn't kind to us. As we got older, people started to target Luke. They were cowards who knew they couldn't touch me, so they went after him. I tried to stop them, talking to them at first and then making threats, but it didn't work. In the end, I found the best way to protect Luke was to stay away from him. I hang out with people I hate. I pretended to like the people that bullied Luke. It helped, but there were still people who would threaten Luke.

I had always protected him from bullies, barking dogs, and anyone who threatened to take him away from me. I will always protect him, but now I face a threat greater than any I have ever faced before. She is strong, not intimidated by me and has Luke in her debt. I should have been the one to find Luke and help when he was alone, not her. If I had refused to believe Jack and the others, he would never have met her.

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