Chapter 6: The Tournament Part 1

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Volume 1

Chapter 6: The Tournament Part 1

Once someone pointed me towards the large building that towers over everything apart from the palace, the stadium was easy to find. I really shouldn't have had to ask because it was obvious that the building was where I was meant to go. Still, I mistook the stadium for a fort and wasted an hour with pointless searching. But at least I am here now.

The stadium is a big building with a large entrance flanked by statues of warriors with many strong-looking people leaving and entering even at this late time. I hope to make it to a round where I can earn money. Stepping inside, I find myself in a spacious place with more stone statues of warriors and multiple people who all seem to be staring at me for some reason.

I do my best to ignore them and reach a desk with a large sign above it saying, "Tournament Sign Up!". Sat behind the desk is a small bunny girl with an impressive chest for her size and a beautiful smile. She straightens up as she sees me approaching and gives me the same stare as everyone else in the room. Do I look wired or something? I know I am weak in this world, but that can't be why they are all staring.

"Hey, is it too late to sign up for the tournament?" I ask, trying not to overthink why everyone is staring at me.

"N... no... you're just in time. We were about to close up for the day," The bunny girl quickly replies, taking out a form. "Please write down your name here and select a mask." The girl says, pulling out a box. "I know it may seem wired for an outsider like you to hear this, but here we wear masks at tournaments, so please pick one."

"Oh... okay," I stare at the masks, then at the girl seeing if she is joking, but no such luck.

This kind of reminds me of wrestling and how fighters would wear masks. I quickly sign my name and look at the box. Most of the masks look like the ones you would find at a masquerade ball rather than a tournament, but I find one that better suits the situation. It is a full-face mask that would cover my entire head in black wool-like material. With this on, no one will be able to recognise me if I end up embarrassing myself.

"Oh, you are going with that mask," The bunny girl says, examining the mask I picked. "Most people never even consider that mask because it hides too much of their face." After muttering, she takes out a checklist and ticks a box. "One last thing. Please think of a stage name. It is another local custom here for participants to fight under a stage name."

This is starting to seem increasingly like a wrestling match by the second. I only ever saw one live in person, but if I were to watch this tournament, I would find the experience the same as when I watched that match.

I think about a name for a movement... then two, but naming things has never been a strong point of mine. I struggle to think of a name, coming up with multiple ideas but ultimately dismissing them. This is harder than I thought. It must show on my face that I am struggling because the bunny girl gives me a worried look.

"If you are struggling to come up with a name, then how about the Wondering Stranger?" The bunny girl suggests. "I think it suits you."

"Sure, I'll go with that," I nod. It is better than nothing and not the worst name in the world.

"Thank you for signing up," The bunny girl smiles. "The tournament is tomorrow, so please arrive here before the second bell."

"Got it,"

I nod before we give our goodbyes, and I head out. I am unsure what the bunny girl means by the second bell, but I should be fine as long as I head here as soon as I wake up. Hopefully, there is someplace I can buy breakfast on my way, and I have enough money to pay for it. I am still not sure how much the money I have on me is worth, but it should be enough.

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