Chapter 6: Talk, Vigilante, and Itto Shura

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"My name is Yui Kodai."

(Yui P.O.V.)

I introduced myself to him, It can't be real, it's too good to be true. It's been many years now, we patiently waited for the last descendant, but I couldn't believe it. He is right there, in front of me, working with me, and he also looked like my great grandfather, only difference is he has some green strips of hair and a blend of grayish-green eyes.

"So you are Ikki-san's descendant? He said that his blood will run to a family named Kodai." He asked me, I could see he doesn't trust people that much. "Yes, it's been almost 600 years since the promise has been made and it seems like you found my grandfather's sword." I respond, then he nodded.

So I asked him to come home with me, he refused but I insisted, I still need more answers, the only thing my parents and ancestors said that if whoever found my great grandfather's sword, he will be the last descendant of the Kurogane. My real grandfather's name was Ikki Kurogane, and her wife was Stella Vermillion, but they said they changed their name because of family issues, like they don't want them to be with each other, but I think something's more into it. We arrived at my house, it's a decent size house, but it is also the same house of our ancestors throughout the years, it has a history of renovations also. 

After we entered the house, "Why did you bring me home, and is your parents also home?" He asked me nervously, I think he was nervous because my parents will think he is my lover and kill him in the process, I simply chuckled which made him confused. "I need some answers, and no they are not home, they work overseas to make money, so no one will kill you, but I will though if you made a mistake." I said with an expressionless face but then went back to my usual smile. I really love teasing him, he seems a type to be very shy in some occasions but I know he is confident, and also he looks cute not gonna lie.

(Izuku P.O.V.)

I don't even know what I got myself into, I just introduced myself, and how did everything escalated into this. I'm really terrified right now, I just wanna go home, but when I looked at her again, I think she is enjoying this. I calmed myself so I could stop my nonsense trembling. 

"So Yui, before your questions, what is your quirk, I just wanna know what it is. And also what are your hobbies, do you have siblings, and what do you like?" I asked her some questions so I could get to know her better. "My quirk is called Hydrokinesis, it's self-explanatory, I could release water from me but I can also use water that the environment has to offer. I could also purify it to the point that it could be so pure, that my purified water can't conduct electricity. But when I used my water further it could turn to ice, the doctor said it was a strange, it was water but can also turn to ice, and he also said that it's a quirk but it's not. It was also weak when we checked it out, so I it almost useless, or so I thought. As I played with my quirk, the more experience I get, the stronger it gets, but it seems that there's a limit. I tried breaking it but nothing happened, many quirks usually evolve to the next level or something that will change it to a better version, but that's all I know about my quirk."

After stating her powers and abilities, there is no doubt that she is his descendant alright. Her power is similar or maybe the same as his younger sister, Shizuku Kurogane. I didn't think it will be awakened again, but now I can help her with her powers. "I have a younger brother, but he lives with my God parents since he is too young to take him with me." She continued. We talked a lot, she told me what I need to know about her, we also became close even in a short amount of time. 

"So now~~ it's your turn." Yui, is now on to me, she has a very intimidating look if she wants something. I kept my composure, not to be intimidated by her look. "So where did you came from, and how did you found the sword?" She bombarded me with her questions, she really wants answers. I told her my life story, from the day I was deemed quirkless and how people and my friends are treating me, she hugged me already, it's a similar warmth that I felt just like with Stella but not as warm as her.  I hugged so she could calm down, and she did. I told her about Stella, how she was always by my side and our promise, when I'm talking about her, Yui seems mad for some reason, I think she is jealous but I brushed it off. I also told her that my parents are All Might and Green Telek, she was furious when she heard they're my parents, I mean I can't blame her, I also made the same reaction when I first discovered it. Then I told her how I ran away from home and went to an uncharted forest near the Beast Forest, I told her that's where I found his Great Grandfather's sword and his belongings that he left to whoever will find it. I also told her how I trained my butt off to be the strongest with the weakest power, and the reason why I'm trying to find a job.

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