Final Chapter 13: The Festival Continues, and History Repeats Itself.

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A/N: Hey, I know it's a bit late, so recently I'm going through places and trying to get myself back to writing as I don't want this to stop for too long, I don't like Hiatus or delayed releases as despite having some suspense for the next part, it's like a manga chapter and such, you don't want any more delays and such. I hate to say this but This part may be the last and I planned on making a revised or rewriting one in the future once this is posted as it is the first story I made, it's only natural to have a better version of it. After this chapter, I'm afraid this story will end as I find some things aren't what I imagine it to be as I progress writing and learning how to write stories better, there will be a Christmas Special as Promise but that's it, and this story is not up for Adoption just so you know. I'm going to revise the story as I'm not quite satisfied with what I Imagine with my other books, I will continue my other stories like the Dragon Ball, JJK, and MLBB, I'm so sorry, and bear with me if I end this horribly. Now to end this story, Onwards!

"This is how I will help them and show them, that Hope, is now here."


As everyone was about to run, both Todoroki's trapped the others with ice as they took the lead.

*I will take the lead and show that bastard of a Deku I'm better than him.* Shoto thought

*I will win this so I could get Zuku back and become mine.* Shoka Thought.

"Look at that, the Todoroki twins decided to put them on ice, what I fantastic move!" Present Mic shouted. "Well, they shouldn't get ahead of themselves." Aizawa commented.

"For god's sake, a dick move really?" Monona groaned. "Well, they want an early lead." Kirishima said. "Bro, let me borrow your quirk for a bit okay?" Monoma asked. "Sure." Kirishima replied as Monoma touched him. He then hardened his right arm and fist and punched the ice to get them out of the ice. "Nice bro." Kirishima said.

"ICYHOT YOU BASTARD!" Katsuki yelled as he angrily exploded the ice.

"We will not let you win!" Izumi and Katsumi shouted as they also destroyed the ice and started running.

"Ice will never work against me." Itsuka said as she started melting the ice with her aura alone. "Ice, really?" Yui said as she then turned the ice into water. "Yeah, no."

*Hm... If I want to win this, then I should use Itto Shura from the start.* Izuku said as he started powering up.

"Itto Shura!"

A large grey aura surrounded Izuku as the ice breaks while releasing such force.

"Woah, such power. What kind of quirk does he have!?" Present Mic asked. "It's a power multiplier, now shut up." Aizawa replied as Present Mic pouted. "You are no fun."

Izuku then run as fast as lightning could ever be, everyone was shocked as Izuku passed many students along the way.

"So Fast!" Kaminari said. "No kidding." Sero said. "Well, that's Izuku for you." Itsuka said as she watched Izuku running past them.

Izuku passed many students, now he reached the top five which is mostly composed of the Izumi Squad.

*I will win this.* They all thought as suddenly, a greyish-white trail run past them. "DEKU/I-CHAN/ZUKU!IZU!" They all realized it as they started to chase him down.

"Look at that folks, Izuku Kurogane flew right past them in the speed of light, what will the others do to take first place from him?!?" Present Mic shouted as Aizawa is irritated. *For fuck sake kill me.*

*Keep your lead Izuku, show those five how powerful you are.* Enji thought to himself.

"Izuku is now here and I'm just informed by this today, I will beat some sense to him for not visiting us earlier." Mitsuki said while Rei is calming her jets off. "Now, now sister, you don't want to explode right?" Rei asked.

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