Sorry Guys

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So, the release of the next chapter and Christmas special will be delayed for a bit, there are tons of work that I need to deal with this December, not just studies, but also my duty and responsibilities in my church.

I'm a choir, and the month being December is the worst of all, despite December should be the month where there will be no school works and only focusing on taking our Christmas Break to the fullest, we experience shit as they don't really care about us. 

Everyone could relate to that as students struggle with their schools, yeah the school system is a piece of shit I know, I'm trying to maximize every ounce of time, effort, sleep, studies, and rest. And serving to the Church as a Choir is a duty I must fulfill as I don't only sing, but I am the one who also and only plays the Instruments, it could be a Keyboard or a Guitar. I'm the one needed the most so when I'm called, I need to stop every sideline, study, and work.

I'm trying to adjust here as you read this message, I like reading and writing some stories. But sometimes the world is against me. 

So bear with me, I didn't think that this month will be worse than I thought it would be, so I'll try to finish everything as much as I can. And I need motivation also. 

I'll put some goals here, I will try to finish two chapters (The next one and the special) of The Failure before the 9 days before Christmas which is the 14th of December. 

And the rest of my other series will get their next chapters after Christmas.

That's it for now, once again I'm very sorry, I just had a serious month.

The Failure (Discontinued, up for revision, not adoption)Where stories live. Discover now