Chapter 11: One Hell of a First Day

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A/N: So a quick update, my schedule will be fucked up even more as my Research was added a lot earlier than I previously expected, so I might run into some problems, let's hope I can finish it before New Year's. And also changed some things, I'll put more thought into my writing so it will be better, I'll also be uploading more stories other than the BNHA X DBZ/DBGT/DBS, it will be a secret on what it is (except if you follow me though, also Kendo our Queen). Onward!

"From now on, Izuku Ikki Kurogane, Welcome to your Hero Academia."

Next Day

It was a very pleasant day in the City of Musutafu, as we now see Yuuie Academy despite being attacked by the LOV or known as the League of Villains, went with their day as nothing happened. In the Hero Course...

"Did you see how he killed the monster? He is so powerful and manly, maybe stronger than All Might?" Tetsu was now seen chattering with his friends, consisting of Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Awase, and Monoma. 

"Yeah we did, it's so manly." Kirishima said.

"You guys are hilarious, manly this manly that, what things on earth where you will not say manly?" Awase laughed at them. 

"Everything is Manly bro." Kirishima and Tetsu said at the same time and looked at each other. "Bros?" Bros!" Then they both turned on their quirks as they made a manly and powerful handshake, and everyone present at the group just let down sweat as it is a bit embarrassing, but it's their thing. 'Bromance' They all thought. 

As everyone was minding their business, they all see Monoma a bit down. "Hey bro? You good?" Kaminari and Sero asked Monoma which made him startled, they all took notice of this as the others can also clearly see it. "Dude we can see something is clearly wrong, spill it." As they kept making Monoma uncomfortable, he had enough.

"Dude stop it for fuck sake, okay I'll tell." Monona signed in defeat knowing they won't stop, girls aren't the only ones that like information, they only have a different approach to it. Girls are mainly gathering info a bit exaggerated, like gossip, tea, or so much bombarding and many unnecessary things. Boys on the other hand are more straightforward, but mostly like to mislead as boys are known to hide things, but they only share if they trust the person or are somehow forced by it. "Fine, you wanna know, it's because I like Kendo that's all until I discovered that she likes someone and that someone was the person she met when she was a child." Monoma explained to the with defeat written on him. "I know I like her but she likes someone else, maybe someone will be right for me." Monoma continued as they all understand. 

"Don't worry Monobro, I'm sure someone will be the right one for you." Tetsu said cheering Monoma up. "After all, you are the manliest guy I've ever met, so cheer up and keep moving forward." Kirishima then added. "Thanks, guys I really need that." Monoma was now back in his old self, aiming to be the greatest. "Now ~throws a fist bump~ Bros help each other, now extend your fist and make a promise." Kaminari said while showing his fist, after it, all of them joined him and put their fist together. 


A bond was now forged in their lives, but things got a little bit interesting for their first journey as bros. Monoma was looking at them listening, but he then moved his head towards his left and noticed his Goddess with his own eyes. He is looking at Setsuna Tokage, a very mischievous girl same as Mina. A girl that has an average height with very surprisingly large, upturned dusky green eyes with long lower eyelashes, and notably long and pointed teeth. Her hair is a dark moss green, collectively reaching just below her shoulders aside from a short clump that hangs in the center of her forehead, and it grows wavier and thinner the lower down it gets. Monoma was lost in thought after seeing her beauty, Awase while listening with Sero was going to talk to Monoma, but when they looked at him, they are confused about where he is looking. They both looked in the direction of his eyes and they see Setsuna chatting with the other girls, they both grew a smirk as they kicked the other three's feet. 

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