Chapter 10: Captured, Reunion and Unwelcomed Guest

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A/N: If you saw a notification about me publishing this, I'm sorry I misclicked. The next one will be delayed, I'm also losing a bit of focus, it may affect my writing a bit thus also the story, sometimes falling asleep out of nowhere while doing school works, a strong body and spirit are good, but without proper rest, it's pointless, I really need rest, and as Aizawa's words "I don't get paid enough to do this shit." A message for my school(plz don't tell me I don't get paid enough to handle troubles also). Now onward! 

"I have found you, Stella."

(Izumi P.O.V)

Did I hear that right? Kodai just called the Vigilante Izuku. I couldn't believe what I just heard, I froze while watching the vigilante take down the Nomu that was meant to kill my dad. I looked at my friends and they seem frozen as well, how is he alive, and how did he get that power.

"He did it, the vigilante, defeated it." Tokage said. "He is so powerful, but also intimidating and very demonic." Shiozaki said with her faithfulness.

I looked down, see him standing above the Nomu while releasing his blood-red aura. He is the embodiment of a demon, which made the villain with hands so scared that they retreat with the mist guy. I now saw Kodai hugging him, it broke my heart that he considers her as her sister, as I'm his biological and twin sister. I just stood there trying to process everything if it is really him, but this made me break down inside, I saw Kendo walking into him and heard her say.

"Ikki? Izuku? Is that you?" It really was Izuku, but we didn't know this person in our entire life, we never saw her hanging out with Izuku before, let alone heard the name Ikki from him, he kept it a secret from everyone else. 

"It's me Itsuka." Izuku said to her as they hugged each other, it worsen my broken heart as I now see my brother standing before me, but have no nerve to walk onto him. But I witnessed something that made my heart shatter to a million pieces. 

(No One's P.O.V.)

They both kissed each other, returning each other's feelings. The love, happiness, sadness, everything since the day they met and all of their held-backed feelings. Most of the students now cheered in happiness and joy, they are saved by the vigilante but also had a touching reunion, but this is a different story for the girl, there will be a lot of tea, questioning, and spilling happening after this turn of events. But some are not, and some are understandable.

'So she already likes someone, well I will not bother them, as long as she is happy.' Monoma thought to himself in defeat, he may be sad, but he respects it, as it is the right way.

'I-chan, why?' Katsumi cried while asking inside her head.

'Why didn't you come back?' Shoka holds her heart as she now sees the love of her life with somebody else.

Katsuki and Shoto just stood there standing, they couldn't believe it, Izuku is alive and saved them from the villains, but they also caught a glance at their twin sisters crying, they are pissed as they couldn't look at them hurt and sad. But the one who was hurt the most is Izumi, who is now almost on verge of breaking down.

'Why? Why did you do this, we are crying every day for you while we thought you are dead, and then you showed up alive and well and abandoned us. Why?' Izumi won't accept the reality of what she is seeing right now.

Aizawa, who was healed by Yui by patching him up to loosen the injury, stand up and walk to them slowly. He was awake the same as Itsuka while they are being healed, hearing Yui shouted at the vigilante and called him Izuku made him cry as he was always been hanging out, fighting alongside and also talking with his nephew. This made him torn with happiness. As Itsuka and Izuku now stopped their kiss, they are panting, they still maintain eye contact while a string of saliva connected them both. 

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