I - Winter diseases

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3rd person›

Dream was just wondering around the smp..  his hereme? He had no idea where that was as far as he knew they could be off somewhere  arugging about who's is he. He wonders off to a valley. It had a large amount of diffrent kinds of flowers in kinda rainbow order, but green and blue were fliped. He herd nosies behind him looking, but ultimately  saw nothing. He just got back to enjoying the seniry. He picked up a flower rubbing the soft light yellow petles. Wishing one of his best friends was here.. it's kinda boring alone in the boys in limes  apon. He herd more nosies.. but didn't  bother to check.. assuming it was a branch that the wind was playing with. He slowly picked up  more flower making a flower crown or bracelet.. because that's where he was wearing it. He just enjoyed the sounds of birds chirping the clash of water on rocks of the shore.. soon he felt an arm around his waist looking over it was El blondie. 'Mm oh hey punzy' Dream said.

'What you doing here all alone pretty boy' Punz said kinda flirty.

'Mmm I Honstly  don't know I just like this place so I come here alot for not particular reason' Dream responded  looking at the slight pick faced blond.

Dream know Punz was one of 4 protective  simps. Dream just let Punz hold him by his Wasit.. he was very warm.   Punz just slowly moved the dirty blond  on his lap cuddling him 'damn your cold Darling' Punz said quietly.

'And your warm how perfect' the dirty blond said getting nice and comfortable  in punzs embrace.

Adventuly the dirty  blond was asleep on Punz cuddling in his neck.. the rest of our jealous boys came out. 'Mmm damn you most be comfortable  Punz' Quackity  commented.

'He was trying to take my body heat he was like a damn ice cube' Punz said looking up at them.

'Mmm come on let's get him into a warm house.. I mean he's liveing in the middle of snow in a damn box' Techno muttered.

The simps looked to him 'Dreams homeless?'  Sapnap questioned 'he could of asked any of us if he needed somewhere'.

'Mhm I know, he probably  didn't wanna inconvenience us though knowing the stubborn  side of him' George  pointed out.

Willbur stole Dream from Punz and off they went to Technos house.. Punz wasent fucking happy about it either. They arrived sheave was confused but greated  them all.

They sat the still ice cold boy on the coach.. Techno put his red cape around the boy 'he probably  has frostbite or hypothermia' Techno said  laying  back on a wall.

Dreams protion became I tiny little ball as he was shakeing..  Fundt got by him.. Dreams body felt the warmth and moved to cuddle the young fox. 'Mmm.. that's adorble'  Karl said seeing Dream just be over all clingy.

'Yeah but he's probably  suffering from something cold weather has done to him' Punz said worried for there circus  leader.

Advently Dream awoke but was confused on where he was.. and why he somehow was now cuddling  a fox instead of the blondie.

'Oh moring sleeping bueaty' Quackity  teased.

'Oh fuck off' Dream  muttered.

'Dream why didn't you tell someone  you wore homeless?' Willburs voice said.

'Eh.. I like the box?' Dream said with a semi smile.

'No more damn box for you, you are staying here in this house got it telitubi' Techno said annoyed.

Dream was confused on why the blood God even cared 'mmm yeah its to late on that I'm already damn well dying of hyperthermia' Dream muttered.

'Well now that we know we can help you!' Karl said.

*Dreams mind* do they not get  it? I don't want there damn help!

'Oh joyful' Dream scoffed.

Willbur came back with some solding  hot tea... they all talked and Dream just drank it.. he didn't want to but did..

'Dream  you do know anyone of us would of let you in with open arms right?' Punz said looking directly at Dream.

'I hate asking for help even when I know I need it alright?' Dream muttered 'and oh captin  pig and his stupid homeless  telitubi bullshit was no help either' he hissed.

Techno go dragged out of the room by some simps.. 'Mm how about a warm bath.. and maybe some warmer clothes?' Sapnap suggested.

Dream just aggried.. what's the point in fighting with them.. they just wanna help the poor boy. Dream soon got all dragged in a very oversized fuzzy thick hoodie still in technos cape and some warm jogers. Dream was still found on the couch.. the simps just sat around  worried for the boy.

Punz was rubbing his and Dreams hand togather softly.. Dream was also very dependent on touch 'cuddles' Dream mubbled.

Without  much  thought  he was  on Sapnap chest Techno and Willbur cuddling him closely.. Dream just snuggled close 'awh he loves cuddles' Sapnap said playing with his dirty blond hair.

'I've always been Hella clingy but not as bad as recently Dream muttered  snuggling into Sapnaps neck.

「Poor dreamie🥺」

🌸Flowers of the Valley - Homeless Dream Au [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now