III- Personal heater

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I've been cuddling with Punz and Fundy for a few hours now and I keep coughing up little ice chunks.. they all are trying to help.. 'would you like hot tea cyder or more cocoa Bunny?' Karl questioned.

'Anythings fine' I say shakeing and all I could fell was cold even though warm bodies was on me.

'It's getting worst...'  Sapnap said with a shakey voice.

I just cuddle into a ball.. couching up snow and ice.. crying in pain 'I'm sick of it' I whine.

'Darling well help you its gonna be okay.. sush.. Willbur get the warm comforter please' Punz said.

Willbur nodded and went running came back moments later, my aching and frost killed body was still shaking Karl came back with warm apple cyder.. I started to chug it.. I just wanted warmth my limbs was so shakey.. and I have realized I need these boys and they need me.. 'baby- slow down' Sapnap said.

I place the cup on the table just crying.. I was so cold  I could bearly move.. I was in pain spitting up half melted snow.. I was witching in pain.

'Cub.. damn he's cold.. he's shakeing  like a mother fucker' Fundy said playing with my hair softly.

Steave came over sitting by the couch.. I try to reach to pet him but littalry  felt like I was frozen to the couch.. 'you can't move?' Willbur said.

I semi nodded coughing  more snow up and shaking.. 'Get Exterbite now' Techno said.

Off Sapnap went to get his sister.. about five minutes  of him leaveing I black out from being to cold.. I awake to.. 'Dream can you hear me angel?' Mars voice echoed.

My eyes flowing awaken and I semi nodded 'I can't fell my damn body' I complaine whining in pain.

'I can tell  you blacked out from lack of movement  and freezing..' Mar said. 'One of you hot towel now' Mar commended.

Someone went and came Mar wrapped the towel  on my head useing her heat magic to try to heat my body.. or that's  what I could fell. I look by me seeing Sapnap holding my hand I grabed on as hard as I could.. 'he's heating up' Sapnap said  softly.

'Yeah I'm heating him with magic.. trying to get him to a normal temperature  for a human boy' Mar said looking over to her brother.

Soon she stoped 'Alright he should be fine keep hot towels  on him.. and oh- she pulled out a pill 'one or all eat this it will give you heat magic' she said tossing willbur the bottle 'don't give him it.. he can't heat himself'.

She also left some weird positions 'those use if he just won't heat up and consently check temperature if it gets below 45° he will slowly get weaker and leave the world' she added before she left.

Techno went and put the potions away.. they ended up having Sapnap become my personal heater and if needed they all will become it.. well because Sapnap is captain of arson.

「Sapnap personal  heater arch?!」

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