VIII- Living in a memorie

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Soon the clingy pissbaby we all know and love came out and just stormed off outside soon followed by Karl.. 'Well thats not gonna be useful- he's the fucking heater' Punz said.

'Hes just pissed' Karl said.

Minutes, hours go by and he's not back.. I'm just freezing... 'where the fuck is Sapnap? He really is that pissed still?' Willbur said seeing my shaking.

I spit up an ice chuck.. 'Dream darling  you good?' He said seeing the huge chunk.

I spoke my head 'I'm in fucking pain' I mutter  quietly between spitting  snow.

'Fucking hell Sapnap is the most hot headed person I know  and he has the most important Job' George said petting my head.

'S..sapnap goes to the crystal  lake when he's pissed off' I say spitting up snow..

Off went Fundy to get Sapnap.. they put a hot towel  but it wasent doing anything I just kept getting colder and colder.. 'don't close your bueaiful  neon eyes on us Bunny' Karl said softly  laying his head on me.

I fight for contuinessus.. the door opens.. I couldn't see who hoping it was Sapnap.. sure ehnogh it was.. He said softly.. I couldn't hear i was just cold. He pulled off his shirt pulling me onto his chest holding me like a baby, how I am to him.. soon my hearing came back 'Baby I'm so fucking sorry' he said in my ear.

'I..i-' I started before passing out.

3rd person›

Everyone  was panicking  and Pissed at Sapnap, if he never stormed off for 7ish hours there Darling boy wouldn't be frozen to pretty much  death. Sapnap checked his pulse  kissing the ice cold body heating it comepeley.. while everyone looks at Sapnap with malice 'what the hell Sapnap he could of died!' Techno scolded 'senpai  could of died and it would of been all your  fault'.

'Hes fine-..' Sapnap mubbled.

'This all could of prevented if you wornt such a pissbaby about him getting stolen from you when you know  for a fact we did it for his own good' Willbur hissed in tears.

'When we were fucking kids he was took from  me and was nearly  killed.. okay? That's why I don't like people  taking him from me' Sapnap hissed. 'The bully tried to Drown him... luckily Dream could swim but regardless I never fucking forgave myself for it'.

That shut them up for a moment.. processing  'so that's why you were so pissed- you live in that memorie' Quackity  said in a understanding tone.

Sapnap nodded 'I fucked up.. once more' Sapnap said with a shakey voice.

'Look we understand  what was going on.. you were having a silent mental  breakdown..' Punz said rubbing Sapnaps cheek softly.

'You have attachment issues to Dream- that's why you wanted to be the heater' Karl said softly.

'I guess?' Sapnap said quietly rocking Dream heating him up.. soon there shared senpai awake and attached himself to Sapnap.

'Awh baby-' Sapnap said softly  looking to the boy.

'Mmm your a fucking idoit' Dream muttered in Sapnaps neck.

'Very well' Sapnap said  snuggling  the boy.

「 I think we have a spy」

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