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Sapnap leaned up kissing me his hands on my waist rubbing up and down, he made it go deeper making it go very heated moving me under him, I pushed him over so I was on his lap wrapping my legs around his wasit like I used to down.. soon he breaks it to catch  him breath whispering in my ear 'I miss calling you mine baby~ why wouldn't you say babe.. come on call daddy it please' Sapnps said softly in my ear kissing my ear sucking it.

'What the fuck to two- really after your prank you just make the fuck  out' Punz said with a jealous tone.

'My cuddle bug' Sapnap said sliding something on my finger.

I look over.. and he put a ring on my hand that said Sapnaps propty.. 'seriously  Sapnap that's how you clime him' George said seeing the ring.

'Mmm damn right' Sapnap said.

Punz came over jacking me from Sapnap taking the damn ring off 'hes noones until he says yes to us or he asks us Sapnap he's not just a fucking object' he hissed.

Sapnap rolled his eyes with a smirk.. 'mmm he has always been mine' Sapnap said softly.

Mmm that I kinda have I try to escape Punz 'ay no you cuddle with me for now you had Sapnaps for 6 hours be fair' Punz said holding me.

I just cuddle to him fine.. Sapnaps looking over annoyed.. he is and always will be my most protective  simp.. or well ex.. our relationship  lasted for a year.. we were sure we were gonna get married our love was super strong.. and when it ended with left it on good terms so we stayed fwb.. yeah he has fucked me alot... and I've had to hide some hickeys skilfully.. from my other simps. He's pissed he's very fucking clingy to me.. Sapnap just got up grabbing a hoodie and went off walking outside. 'Ah Sapnap doesn't mind shareing if Dreams also in his arms.. always he's just jealous' Willbur said.

'Hes been attached to me since the almost drowning  accident..-' I say softly 'he was holding me and the person pulled me off and threw me into the deep end.. I forze up but yeah I was able to save myself.. I came up to the person trying to make out with him.. he wasent having it and pushed them into the water.. they truly did drown'.

Everyone looked to me 'so Sapnap killed a man for trying to kill you?-' George said.

I nodded 'After  that day if I was near Sapnap he had a death hold on me and refused to let go' I expline  'the boy who tried killing me hated me because Sapnap loved me'.

'Jealous yandere' Karl muttered.

30 minutes later Sapnap came back.. right on time for my  hour heat check.. slightly down.. and back to Sapnaps grasp. 'You belong in my damn lap always have' Sapnap said softly in my ear.

I nodded 'but you will have to share babe' I say in his ear softly.

He frowned  'do I have to? Can't we just leave in the night  and live happily ever after just us' Sapnap whined in my ear.

'Sapnap no we wont-' I mutter.

Punz look over hitting the back of Sapnaps head 'you aren't taking darling anywhere out of this house mister' he scholed.

Sapnap rolled his eyes.

「Well thats advenful」

🌸Flowers of the Valley - Homeless Dream Au [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now