22 tarots - 22 stories

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1 - neglected moonlight

The Sun chose the world over one person.
Destiny would rather sacrifice the world for one person.

Oaths sworn under the sun will burn out soon enough, but promises made under the moonlight are eternal.

2 - ignorance is bliss

He is only a clumsy fool, a fool who loved the world and the people around him.
They saw reality, the cold, harsh truth of this world.

This is no longer a game, it is simply reality. This is no longer a dream.

3 - the value of a soul

He saw the colours that painted this world in vibrant hues, glowing as if they were a warning.
Omniscient but abandoned, he builds an empire upon the words this mere world is made of, he is on top, now and forevermore.

This world is ruled by gambling, only the strongest survive.

4 - embracing life, embracing death

He is a murderer, he has killed many, but everyone cheers.
She only wanted to be seen one last time, loved one last time.

The boat sails across the river, and far off in the distance, the gates open, welcoming new guests every day.

5 - wanderer of worlds

His journey is endless, when the final star burns out, only then will his travels end.
Gods are sacred, forever protected, stable and celestial.

Letting the present meet the future is never a good thing, unless, of course, it's for a noble goal. Festina lente, for your story isn't over just yet.

6 - the price of your smile

He was born for the stage, born to entertain.
Never again, never always.
His dynasty is long over, but music is always present.

Toys are to entertain, games are to entertain. A smile is bittersweet, but happiness is always beautiful.

7 - counting on flowers

She loves him. He loves her not.
He loves her. She loves him not.

7 days, it feels like all the time in the world when spent beside the right person.

8 - love is not enough

She loves her children, each and every one of them.
War waited for no man, and would never spare an innocent.

This garden is beautiful, overshadowed by a sea of greys.

9 - we are all monsters

He is not them, they are not him, and yet they are the same.
They only wish that they had been taken away that day, so that they won't feel so guilty anymore.

Life is not perfect, but creating a life always feels beautiful.

10 - my message

He receives the message from the deities, the celestial beings above.
He listens every day, waiting and waiting.

Stop this madness, the artifacts and the shrines are not worth restoring.

11 - symphony of wisdom

She only wishes to teach the world, to bring knowledge to those without it.
He only wishes for peace.
She searches for souls, guiding them to a world beyond.

The sea will part, leaving behind a path for her to walk, but water doesn't make for very good walls.

12 - undying and everlasting

He will not be thrown away.

What is this? Why is this here, this can't exist here-

13 - traveller's golden path

She walks a long winding road.
He walks one of gold.

A prince and a princess ride in their respective chariots, as nobles always maintain a graceful image.

14 - what is your worth?

Soldiers belong on the battlefield.
Gladiators belong in the arena.

The strongest survive, while the weak live.

15 - my question to you

He is a man of justice, and the fey are his allies.
He knows the law, and he would rather be free.

Do you think what you're doing is right? 

16 - the wishes of a dead man

He wants the truth to be heard, he was innocent, he was convicted.
He is guilty, he condemned a hero.
They only wanted love to blossom.

Dead men tell no tales.

17 - the treasures

He lived this life before.
He was right, this is a murderer.

The world is online, climb the tower for bountiful rewards. Try not to die.

18 - freedom

He has them chained, under lock and key.
They just want to return home.

Hell is empty, and all the Devils are here.

19 - balance

When there is good.
There is also evil.

Sit down and have a drink, the judgement has only begun.

20 - relieve this curse

Her empire is beautiful, she watched it prosper.
He watched from above, the stars are his eyes.

Why won't you just stay dead? Your love is insignificant to me.

21 - your world

This universe has a cycle, and while it appears different every time. The story is always the same.
In this life, they will never leave each other again.

22 - chasing forever

He loved him, he loved him so much, he would give up on the world for him.

Our time together is precious, and I would never give you up for anything. Not even the creator of this world, or the one who narrates it. I'm such a selfish man, so please let me stay with you, until I die, and come back again, just for you. I will always remember you, even if I were to die over and over. 

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