XVIII: The Magical Apparatus Battler

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(A/n): This chapter is kind of longer than the previous ones.


---Babyls School: Student Council Room: Daytime---
While you were wondering about looking for which battler to join. Ameri was in the student council prepping the room, anticipating your arrival.

When she texted you, she was secretly excited about you dropping by.

You, on the other hand, were outside of the side building when you got her text message.

When you texted to her:

I didn't know you're the student council president, Ameri. I honestly didn't know. I'm coming now.

You were briefly interrupted by an explosion nearby.


Ameri gazes upon your text in bewilderment.
"All this time and she didn't know!"

Her voice booms through the room making everything rumble. Her hands were shaking about the shocking discovery.

'Does that means she's intimidated by my position of high authority?'

She jumps again when you texted.

Sorry. It turns out I won't be about to stop by today. Something came up. Don't hate me 🙏🥺

'She is scared of me.'


You finish texting Ameri about your little predicament.

You ran over to the four-eyes blue head and help him up placing him on a futon prepared beforehand. You picked up a nearby paper fan and started to fan him off.
"Sorry 'bout that. I messed up when trying to calibrate a magical apparatus."

"Come to think about it. I haven't introduced myself, the name is Kirio Amy(Ami)."

"(Y/n) (L/n). Hi there."

"I'd offer you hell grey tea if I could. I'm the only member of this Battler."

"Don't worry think nothing of it. Get some rest." You said fanning him softly

"That feels nice. Just to be able to relax down like this." Kirio said

You gaze around the room to see books piled up and experiment set. You couldn't help but be curious about this "calibration" Kirio was talking about. You got up and wander around, you pick up a purple decorative vase.

"You probably already know this. But apparati uses magical energy to function."

"Oh, that's interesting. I've read it in a book somewhere before." You shake off the nervous feeling

You saved yourself from the conversation by reading facts about the netherworld in the evenings at home, so you have little to some knowledge on certain topics. You put it to good use.

"As the Magical Apparatus Battler indicates 'we' study magical apparatus from all over and thus inspire to make our items from it."

"I see. Was it enough to make that collar?" You mention, Kirio tensed up he seems pretty protective of it.

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