XV: Fierce Execution Cannonball

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The day of the Execution Cannonball has arrived, you were sitting around the table eating your delicious meal.

"Today is the promotion exam. How are you feeling about your chances?" Grandpa asked
"My odds are pretty good. I'm confident in passing at least that's what I'm telling myself." You said
"Then allow me to offer a last bit of advice," Opera started before sipping Grandpa's tea, "Opera that's my tea, ain't it?" Grandpa whined
"You could consider a life hack for future usage."
"A life hack?" You questioned
"It's an old netherworld technique to get ourselves through predicaments, fear brings utter humiliation for demons. In regards to survival in a competitive society like the netherworld fearing her enemies are tantamount to defeat, so more simple to put it this means the more scared you are the bolder you must transform your fears and worries into excitement." Opera drinks more of Grandpa's tea

With that in mind, you think about your strategy when you heard your name being called from outside. It's Azz and Clara.

"It's time. I have to go. Thanks for breakfast." You stand up feeling a bit unsteady Opera ran up and steadies you to your feet.
"You okay?" Opera asked
"I'm fine just a bit lightheaded maybe it's from the hard work I did. I'll be alright." You look down at your hairband bow and tied up your hair sweeping it away from your face.

~At School
Everyone was talking about the big promotion exam. Ameri looks at the students walking from the student council room.

"Today's the day." Her mind thought on you

You were at the misfit class gym, everyone was here as Kalego held out the execution ball.
"Victory is mine! I wanna show (Y/n) how tough the future demon king is." Sabbnock stated before flexing his huge overwhelming biceps
"No! It's mine." Goemon argued
"Let's finish this up so I could go home and play my video games," Shax said
"I haven't worked out in forever." Jazz said
"Try not to hit me too much, guys," Elizabetta said
"Don't worry. I will protect you." Caim said failing miserably

Azz turn towards you with motivation.
"Let's show everyone how our hard work paid off."
"Yeah." You said, Clara, shouting excitedly and jumping up and down

"Be quiet. Listen to the explanation." Kalego snapped his fingers to get the cute demon heart presentation

"Here's the Execution Cannonball Tutorial,
1: each team should have one person stationed outside the field.
2: everyone else stands inside the said field.
3: if the ball hits you; you're off the field it's okay to attack out of bounds please note if you managed to get someone out you can't return to the field.
4: you may only use magic on the ball, direct magic attacks on your opponents are forbidden.
5: when the ball manages to hit you but your teammate catches it that person that got hit is safe.
Ready let's all play-"

Kalego slammed the cute explanation again.
"That sums everything up." He said

"Dang. He hates that cute heart demon thingy." Shax commented
"Your promotion will be determined by which team triumphs as well as the rankings of the opponents you hit. You will be divided into two teams:" Kalego brought yellow and red armbands in a box.

"Here are the armbands for teams A and B. Team A is yellow and Team B is red once you put them on split up to your sides," Kalego said handing out the armbands

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