XX: Kirio's Secret Room

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You were sitting in the cafeteria, watching an upbeat announcement, it was Professor Stolas and another teacher you had no idea what's his name promoting the upcoming festival and behind them is a voting ballot.

"It would seem that they will be doing the polls for the next Battler' Aegis of Demons." Azz said

"Battlers' Aegis of Demons?" You questioned

"When we host the Battler Party, the Aegis has to declare the events and perform activities to rate this year, it's an election." Azz explained

"Really? This sounds promising."

"Now, let's begin! We judged this year for the lady's achievements and requirements, here are our contestants: Ix Elizabetta, Dosanko, Crocell Kerori, Gaako, our student council Azazel Ameri---"

"The requirements, you must be a student who has good grades, brave beyond others, active." Azz went through the details

"How do you become a contestant?" You questioned

"It all depends on the one's achievements, presence, but possesses courage, and pure of heart. The teachers go around campus and look how everyone progresses." Azz said

"And (Y/n) (L/n)"

You shoot your gaze up at the monitor at the mention of your name.

"Oh, boy." You gasp

"We had everyone vote a few days before the Battler's Party."

"If that's true, how come I didn't see it on a flyer or anything?" You ponder the thought


~When you were walking in the hallway with Azz and Clara, a teacher hang up a Battler election poster next to you but a crowd of demons rush up and blocked your view, you shrugged it off as another Demon frantic and walked away.~

~Flashback ends~

"We tallied up everyone's ballots and the Aegis of this year's Battler's party is---"

A long silence filled the room with tension and anxious mumbles. You simply shrugged and drink your juice.

"Miss (Y/n) (L/n)!"

You choked and spit out your drink. You can feel all the demons in the room, with amusement and admiration in their eyes as well as mutters.

"The honor student managed to beat the student council in a poll. She's just a freshman!"

"She's so cool!"

"(Y/n) has incredible abilities as a demon, it's not surprising that she was picked."

You tried to ignore the gaze that everyone was giving you.

"What is the Battler Party? It's a chance when first-year Battlers to do a presentation."

"It's a three-day event: The Party Eve, The Party Day, and the closing spectacular. All students from every grade are both allowed and encouraged; however, upperclassmen will be busy with their workshops this festival is mostly for the lower three years."

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