Chapter XVI: Sparkling Manifestation

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You look at the stressful sight. Kuromu, who is actually Kerori, your shy introverted classmate, suddenly collapsed.

"Help! I need help in here!" You screamed
An sophisticated looking lady demon came in. She stopped horrified. There was Kuromu feverish body and she place her on the sofa.
"Get ice and cold water in here now!" She order a staff member, he took off running to get what was needed

"As for you, young lady, you better not did anything to her." She questioned
"I didn't do anything. We only talked and she fainted." You said
"Did you say anything to overexcite her. She's very delicate. She can't handle too much stress, if she gets too emotional or exhausted, she can suffer. Especially when she overused her ice magic, it'll cause her to breakdown." She said you gasp and look down in guilt, this is your fault for getting her upset.
"And we've been very careful too." She said that does you're guilt overload

"I guess I had something to do with it." You sighed
"You just stay out, missy. We'll talk later." She scolded
Another worker came in to see the devastation news, that the famous Kuromu has collapsed.
"Miss Mel, is it true she fainted?"

"Yes. Look for yourself." The stern lady, you discover is name Mel said

"Will she come to? What about the concert?" He said
"She can't possibly perform like this."
"This is horrible! It's the Makobarre Dome. All our fans are lined up outside and tons of sponsors are here too. This is a big chance."

(Not too mention if 'Kuromu' doesn't perform, everyone evil cycle will activate then chaos will pursue. Demons need to maintain their happiness so they won't go into a chaotic frenzy.) You thought
"A doctor! Can we get one in here quick?"
"Not a chance! She has a unique condition. There are specific steps to cool her down. The only ones who can do that, is a highly specialized doctor or her family." Miss Mel explained and look at the clock
"But even if we call her family now. I doubt we'll be able to make it in time for the shows opening. They live too far away from here." She said

You let out a small gasp. "For real? Those jerks aren't even here to see their own daughter's show!"
"Correct. That's the kind of people they are." Mel said, that made your blood boil

Parents neglect and negativity, brings you back to your lonely, suffering childhood looking out the rainy window. One thing is for certain, you have to make this right. For Kerori's sake.

"I think it's best to cancel the show." Miss Mel said
"No! Don't you dare! I'm going to be the top dem-dol. There's no way that I'm stopping now." Kerori yelled struggling to sit up
"Kuromu. You can't strain yourself." Miss Mel said, just then you speak up
"I'm gonna make it to the top. I'm gonna get back at them." Kerori said

You and Mel gave Kerori a worried look.
"It's fine. My bloodline ability Ice Façade, we can control water temperature. My family is well known for manipulate ice, but we cast reaches far beyond that known ability. They're also known for wearing icy expressions to never show, not even a hint of a smile. In fact, I never smiled at all when I was little. But one day, my Granny secretly showed me an exciting form of netherworld entertainment, dem-dols. It was a sparkling sight, I never knew demons could even show joy I thought to myself so this is what they call smiling. That's what I wanted, that way I could get back at my family. Becoming the top dem-dol is my destiny because I am super cute, and cute rules all." Kerori said fainting yet again
"Stop. You mustn't overexert yourself. Try calming down."

(Kerori doing this. So she could spread joy and make everyone happy. Even her family.)

"She's right. You can't cancel, everyone paid to see Kuromu on stage and they'll get what they paid for." You said as you formed a plan in your mind
"What can a pretty girl like you do?" Miss Mel said
"I'm more than just a pretty face. Remember that." You said in a low tone, Miss Mel stare down at you
"What do you need?" Miss Mel asked
"Just cool her off and make sure she gets better. I'll buy some time. I need a few things to pull this off. Makeup, a few dresses and some back up. I'll handle the backup part." You said

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