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Pallavi looked at her husband, fast asleep. She smiled at him, admiring just how cute he looked. She let her thoughts wander, and she suddenly remembered an incident which she was sure only she knew. 


Pallavi had come to Raghav's house to thank him. Her baba would probably not approve of this. It was already late and to make matters worse, she was going to RAGHAV'S house. It didn't matter though. It was her same baba that taught her to always thank the people that helped her. And Raghav had done such a huge favor for her. Pallavi walked into his room, and spotted him before he could. Pallavi sighed. She hated Raghav with all her heart, that was for sure. But she just found him so attractive. She knew she shouldn't but she couldn't really help it. And there was another thing bothering her. Ever since their encounter with the lion, or whatever his name was, Pallavi's senses attributed Raghav's body as a protective figure, someone she could be safe around. Of course, It was forgotten in the heat of their frequent arguments, and their little spats and hatred for each other, but it was still there. And it didn't matter how hard Pallavi tried to refuse it. At this point, Pallavi was glad only she knew how she felt, for if Raghav did, it would be very embarrassing for her. She was a thousand percent sure that Raghav thought of her as his enemy and an awfully stubborn and rude person. But yet, they shared moments that made Pallavi doubt this. She had seen Raghav look at her with care for more times than he would like to admit. In the middle of all their fighting and hatred, they had developed another parallel relationship, and Pallavi didn't even know what to name it. 

"Oi, Saree ka dukaan! Yahaan kya kar rahe ho tum?" he shouted loudly, startling Pallavi out of her thoughts. It was then when she realized he was drunk. "Ek aadmi itna kese pi sakta hai?" she asked, sitting in a stool near him. Raghav looked her up and down, and Pallavi blushed. She wished she had dressed better.  "Mera class lena band karogi kya? Just tell me why you're here at this hour." he said, roughly. Pallavi sighed. Apologizing and/or thanking him was always hard. But maybe the fact that he was drunk made it slightly better. "Raghav, vo mein -" she began, but Raghav cut in. "Will you have a drink?" he asked. Pallavi was about to say no, without even thinking, but then she thought about it. At this point, she didn't give a rat's ass about anything. She wanted to escape from her thoughts, especially everything related to Raghav, so she nodded. Raghav looked surprised, but he didn't say anything. Pallavi was glad.

She emptied her drink in one and placed it heavily on the table. Raghav looked at her intensely, scrutinizing her. Pallavi was suddenly very aware of herself, and she filled her glass so that she had something to do. "What happened to you today? Is everything alright? Anything troubling you?" Raghav asked. Pallavi met his gaze, wishing she could answer his question. How could she tell him that it was himself who was bothering her? How could she tell him that she unknowingly began caring for him? She couldn't. In fact, she couldn't even answer that question herself. Most of the times, she loathed Raghav, but she caught herself concerned for him too. 

Pallavi was frustrated. The main reason she began drinking was to stop thinking about Raghav, but she was still engulfed in him. "Nothing is troubling me, I just had a long day." she said. Raghav seemed satisfied with her answer. Pallavi began drinking, but her throat probably couldn't take it. She had never drank so much. Her throat began burning, so she kept her glass down blindly and began coughing. She could feel Raghav getting up and coming closer to her. She felt a hand patting her head. Not really knowing why, she stood up, and felt Raghav breathtakingly close to her. Raghav put his hand on her back, touching her bare skin, and began rubbing gently. Pallavi flinched ever so slightly, but she didn't move back. She felt better, and looked up at him. "Raghav." she whispered. "Mmm?" he asked, his voice hoarse. Pallavi and Raghav looked at each other, both lost in their thoughts. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop thinking about Raghav, not today. She smiled at herself, mocking herself for even thinking she could do something like that. She placed a hand on his chest and then put her head on it. She shook her head, and looked up once more. "No matter how hard I try, I can't take you off my mind. What are you doing to me Raghav? Huh?" She sniffed and then pulled his collar and shook it. "Bolo Raghav. Hamesha mera savaalon ka jawab dethe ho na? Aaj bhi dho. Batao Raghav!" Raghav pulled her hand away from his collar and put it behind her back, still holding it. "Pallavi. Ghar jao. Kal baath karte hai." he said quietly.

"Nahi jaoungi mein. Answer my question first." She said. A single tear slid down her cheek. She didn't know why she was mad at Raghav, she didn't know why she was crying. She didn't know what she expected from Raghav either. Pallavi, who was so organized and clean, now made a mess out of her feelings. She felt helpless. Raghav pulled her to him, and hugged her tightly. She flung her hands to him too, and hugged him as tightly as she could. After 5 minutes, she calmed down. 

She broke apart from the hug. She was coming back to her senses. Pallavi laughed, as though this was all a big joke, as though it meant nothing to her. "Never drinking whiskey again, huh?" She said, wiping her eyes. Raghav pulled her and began kissing her on the lips. She was taken aback, but she was somehow glad he did it. She found comfort in his touch. Ultimately, it was what calmed her down tonight. 

Raghav broke apart, but still held her the same way. "Ghar jao, Pallavi." he said quietly. "Agar me naa jaoun tho?" she replied. "Tho yahan raho, mere saath." She smiled, and then everything became black.


Pallavi had woken up in Deshmukh Nivas the next day. She did remember what had happened that night, but Raghav didn't. She was glad he didn't, this little piece of memory belonged only to her. She kissed her husband lightly on the lips, and fell asleep.

PS. Writing about pre-marriage Raghvi was fun, I wish I could write more about them. How did you guys like it? Oh, and I'm sorry for the delayed update too!

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