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Pallavi yawned, waking up due to the sunshine. Opening her eyes slowly, she saw Raghav sleeping peacefully, oblivious to the bright rays barging into their room through the open window. Silently wondering why he was so far away from her, she edged closer to him, wanting to fall back asleep in his embrace. 

Something came in her way, and she sleepily looked down to see what it was. A teddy bear. Huh. What was a teddy bear doing in between them? Then she saw the little pillows and her brain worked. Where was Raksha? 

"Raghav!" Pallavi tried waking him up. "We have a child - where.. Where is Raksha?" She slurred, her brain still sleepy.

"Huh?" Raghav asked sleepily, blinking his eyes rapidly and trying to adjust to the sunlight.

"Where. Is. Raksha?" Pallavi hissed, looking around.

"Oh. Raksha? RAKSHA?" Raghav screamed.

"Raghav! She's barely 6 months old, she's not going to answer to you!" Pallavi cried. 

"Did you put her in the crib?" Raghav asked, finally coming back to his senses, 

"I- No? Let me check." She replied, getting off the bed and peeping into the crib nearby. 

"She's not here, Raghav!" Pallavi said frantically.

"Will both of you calm down? She was wide awake when I came in and you both were sleeping, oblivious to her babbles. So I took her with me." Amma said, entering the room. 

"Oh!" Raghav breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back into the bed. Pallavi went to her amma and took Raksha from her arms. "Hi." She whispered, slowly rocking Raksha back and forth.

It had almost been six months since Raksha entered RaghVi's life and made it more beautiful. Although they were slowly learning that parenthood was not all pleasant and happy, it all seemed to be worth it whenever Raksha gave them even the smallest of smile, looked at them with her big eyes, with so much amusement and admiration. Not unsurprisingly, Raghav turned out to be the best father to her kid. Every time she saw their baby in his arms, she fell in love with him even more.

"I'll go make breakfast, and get it to you." Amma said, walking out of the room.

Pallavi walked to bed and settled down, still playing with Raksha. Raghav kissed her on top of the head, and laid down on Pallavi's shoulder, watching Raksha look up at them with fascination. These were how Sunday mornings looked like in RR Mansion. Warm and content. Sure, you could hear the ringing voice of a baby crying in the most oddest of times, but mornings were when Raksha was her most peaceful. Mornings were when Pallavi and Raghav learnt to thank the universe and be grateful.

"You're changing her diaper, by the way." Raghav said.

This seemed to amuse Raksha, who giggled quietly.

"See, even Raksha likes it when you change her diapers!" 

"If I change her diaper, then I'm going to bathe her too." Pallavi argued. Raksha was at her prime when she showered, she loved the water so much. "You're such a sexy negotiator."

Pallavi gasped, covering Raksha's ears. "Don't say stuff like that!" She scolded. 

"She's six months old, Pallavi! What will she understand?" 

Pallavi glared at him, and he quickly succumbed. "Alright baba, I'm sorry." He said, kissing Raksha on the cheeks and getting up to get ready for office.

"Raghav!" Pallavi shouted before he could disappear into the restroom.

"You know, wives need kisses too." She said. He gave an apologetic look, then walked over and kissed her so hard that she was breathless. "Was that enough?" He asked, smirking.

Raghvi - a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now