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"Farhad, I don't understand what you're saying. I'm- I'm adopted?" She asked. She tried to hide her fear from him, but her voice betrayed her. Farhad sighed, and pulled Amrutha closer to him. "Yes. Your real dad is threatening me to go against Raghav and Pallavi. If I don't, he said he'll tell you that you're adopted and take you with him." He said, heavily. Amrutha's lips quivered, and she broke down crying.

Farhad tried to console her as much as he could. "Even though this isn't your biological family,  they have still treated you as one of their own. Please don't cry." Amrutha finally calmed down. "Farhad, thank you for looking out for me. I will handle this myself, you can go and deal with my dad." She said. "Thank you" He whispered. "For being so strong" He kissed her head and left.

He dialed Viraj's number triumphantly, and waited for him to pick up the call. "Hello Viraj? You can go to hell. You can't threaten me with Amrutha anymore! I'm done doing your bidding. I'm going to tell Anna what you're upto." He said, in one go.

"Why don't you tell your bhabhi first?" He asked.

"Wha-" Farhad said, confused.

"Farhad, this dumbass kidnapped me." 

In spite of himself, he smiled a little bit. He loved his bhabhi's guts. "Don't you worry, bhabhi. I'll inform anna, we'll come get you in no time." He said. 

He quickly cut the call, and sped to RR Mansion.

As expected, Raghav went hysterical, but Farhad did his best to calm his anna down. Raghav over sped like anything, and they finally reached Viraj's hideout. "PALLAVI! PALLAVI!" Raghav screamed, looking around.

She was tied to a chair, but she looked unbothered, bored even . Raghav ran to Pallavi, but Viraj stepped in between. Raghav pushed him away, but he regained balance, and pointed a gun to Pallavi's head.

Raghav immediately moved back, raising his hands in surrender. "Listen Raghav Rao. You can either make this difficult, or easy for yourself. Choose." Viraj said. He liked that he was in control.

"I'm listening" Raghav growled.

"I don't want your dainty little darling. I just want your company."

"I'm not a dainty little darling, you are!" Pallavi scoffed.

"Pallavi, stay quiet" Viraj warned.

Unknown to the crowd, Farhad slipped out. 

"So, just sign these papers for me, and we're good. I'll leave your wife alone."

Pallavi shook her head furiously. Raghav racked his brains for something smart to do, but nothing came to his head, he was distracted by the gun pointed at Pallavi. 

His advantage was that he was fast, and Viraj was slow to comprehend anything. Maybe if he kept Viraj distracted.. 

"Why do you want my company? You have a wonderful one yourself." He said, looking around at his near surrounding. Something, anything to help him. Viraj laughed. "I did have a wonderful company myself. That was until your ass came along." Raghav seethed in anger, but he didn't react, not yet.

Viraj went on talking about how his company was in loss because of Raghav, when he spotted a metal plate next to him. Unnoticed by Viraj, he edged closer to it. 

"Enough talk now. C'mon. Sign these papers, or witness your wife dying in my hands." 

Raghav grabbed the plate, and threw it at Viraj, like it was a frisbee. He didn't quite reach the target though. Instead of knocking out Viraj in the face, it knocked his gun out, and also slightly hit Pallavi.

"Sorry, sorry saree ka dukaan." He muttered.

"Raghav! If my hands weren't tied, I would strangle you." She screamed.

"Arrey tumhe bacha liya na, phir kya?" He retorted.

Viraj screamed, and grabbed Pallavi, keeping a shard of glass next to her throat. "Seriously?" Pallavi asked. "Kab bachaya tumne?"

"EY! Pallavi ko chod! Give me your papers!" Raghav screamed, frightened out his wits.

Still holding Pallavi hostage, he edged close to the papers. Using the fact that he was distracted, Pallavi kicked his crotch by forcing her leg backward, and elbowed him at the same time. Viraj screamed in pain and dropped the shard of glass, but he still managed to hurt Pallavi.

Pallavi didn't give up either. "Who's the dainty darling now huh?" She choked, kicking Viraj. Raghav immediately pulled Pallavi away, and checked for injuries. Her cheek was grazed and it was bleeding. Raghav quickly took handkerchief and tried to stem the flow of blood.

Unnoticed by either of them, Viraj edged closer and closer to the gun until he finally - BAM! Farhad was back with the police, and Viraj had no option but to surrender.


"I'm so glad you're alright" Raghav said, pulling Pallavi closer to him. "You know, it's kind of sexy when you're a badass" He whispered in her ear. "Oh is it, Raghav Rao?" She asked, her lips frustratingly close to Raghav's. He was just about to close the distance, when the door opened. Raghav and Pallavi immediately jumped away from each other.  

"Anna, I need to talk to you" It was Farhad.

"What's up?" Raghav asked.

"I- I was w-with Viraj for some time, He forced me to! He threatened me with Amrutha. He showed me the adoption papers a-and I panicked anna, I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry!" He trembled. 

Raghav didn't know how to react. His only close friend had betrayed him. This was not even professional, it was personal. "Farhad, I need to be alone for sometime." He said quietly. Farhad nodded heavily and left. 

"Raghav, I know how you're feeling. But just-just think about things from his perspective for once. If I was at stake you'd probably do the same thing too." Pallavi said, helping him to sit down.

Raghav shook his head. "Betraying a friend?" I don't think I ever could've. Am I that harsh? That he couldn't even confess all this to me?" He asked silently.

"You can be a bit harsh at times" Pallavi said cautiously. "That guy was confused, he had so many things going on! Cut him some slack please." He's the reason you have both me and the company."

Raghav nodded, and left. Farhad was waiting for him outside. "Farhad, you've done so much for me. I am not going to lose a valuable friend and employee because of this one mishap. You've lost my trust once, but if you lose it again, you lose me. Ardhamainda?" He asked.

Farhad nodded happily, and hugged his anna.

Guys, I'm thinking of writing a story about a forced marriage, and how the couple eventually fall in love with each other, kind of like our show mhrw. Would you be interested in reading it? Please let me know :)

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