Chapter One

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Finally, eighteen at last. However, within the next few months, I've got to actually go to this thing called School, It doesn't quite sound like fun but it's my mission and I'm getting paid for it so I'm going to have the best god damn fun.

While looking out of the plane window I slowly fall deep into thought as the memories of what had happened just a year ago, had begun to flow into my mind. I remember it all, from being told to leave and to never come back also how I decided to end my dear old alpha's life. Although there was something else that greatly stood by me, a group had found me wandering aimlessly in the woods nowhere to go so they decided to take me in and teach me a few skills, which is something that has helped me these past few months.

"Hello?" I snap out of my thoughts turning my head and coming face to face with someone poking me, quickly registering that the plane had landed after apologizing to the person, I grab my carry on and make my way from the plane and decided on quickly heading over to my new place.

Grabbing a cab I tried to stay silent after giving the driver the address, however, he was not having it. Stating as a question as to whether I should be in school right now, I glared at him from the back of the car and he stuck to being quiet throughout the rest of the ride.

As soon as I got dropped off at the place I take out the key and as soon as I step into the house, my phone whistled indicating a new message. Closing the door, I take out the phone and stare at the screen. The message was from an unknown number and read the following 'I know your secrets.'

Already knowing who it was I opened the conversation in messages and at the top of the screen, the device notified me that the sender isn't part of my contacts, and whether or not if I wanted to add or mark the message as spam. Ignoring the top part I message back with a simple 'Hi, anything new or updates?'

The phone vibrated and a few messages popped up, 'alright, so first things first your going to be targeting me.' 'kidding' 'you're going to be enrolling in the secondary school California High.'

I respond back almost immediately, 'Okay, first off it's you're, and obviously that's why I'm here now. So actually update me stupid.'

Looking at the phone amusingly as instead of the place of a new actual message the sender had just sent three dots. Silently chuckling I leave my phone on the counter as I go to unpack my things. Not even gone a full minute I hear the whistle and rush to my phone unlocking the phone with my fingerprint.

'Savannah you are going to be going to that school, I want you to behave, please try not to be yourself.' I scoff and start typing my mind to her, the phone buzzed and another message popped up. 'Oh and try to figure out who the leader of the rogues over there in California is, thanks.'

  "Rogues?" I murmured to myself. Quickly deleting the text that I had put down I changed it to, 'Rogues?' and hit send.

Watching the phone intensely to see what the whole rogue ordeal is I wait until the full message is formed. 'Yes there's rogues, they've got to be hiding their scents since there was a faint smell that someone could make out, we're all at least 90% sure we've got a group of rogues.' another message popped up under 'also since now more people know about SATAN, you really have to be more careful, so whatever you do we can't risk you getting caught and/or endangering yourself or any human.'

Soon enough I managed to send a message, 'Thanks mom' in the second it sent they had already messaged, 'No problem sweetie, bye.'

Rolling my eyes I send a quick remark, 'Hey, I'm 18 and I didn't mean that.'

One last message popped up before we bid our farewells, 'Sure and I'm 20 so suck it up, sunshine.'

Chuckling I take a deep breath and after erasing some texts I decided to go out and get a few essentials such as toiletries, clothing and a tattoo before the next day started. No, I didn't actually get a tattoo.

Soon enough I made it back home with clothes and groceries. As soon as I opened the door and set things on the counter so that I could start unloading the groceries.

As that finished I took the clothes to my room and relaxed while taking a short shower. Once I was done I open the shower door and dry my hair off with a towel, wrapping the towel around my body I head to my room to change into some pajamas.

  "Warmth," I mutter. "where's my phone?" Fuck. Running downstairs I grab my phone from the counter and rush up the dark staircase to my room.

10:42 PM

Pressing my phone open I check the email that was sent to me regarding the school and my classes, Bell rings at 6:50 and classes start at 7:00.

Taking a deep breath, and placing the phone on the windowsill near the bed I yawn and pull the covers over me.


Satan, The New Girl {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now