Chapter Two

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When your eyes are closed and your mind is fixated on something either calm or terrifying, this one thing; I bet almost everyone hates, is the loud beeping sound of an alarm going off to wake up the mind and let the person start the day right.

First off, no.

Groaning to the sound of the alarm I press the snooze on my phone and toss to the other side of the bed unaware of how close I am to the edge I fall and hit my head on the floor.

Fluttering my eyes to the rhythm of the clock which soon turned to aggressively blinking. I grab my blankets and lift myself off of the floor and plop myself onto the bed, staring at the wall.

The beeping came back and caused my eyes to dart to the phone. 6:00 AM

Hopping out of bed, I managed to find a few outfits to wear, I decided to go with a basic graphic tee that had a fox and a hound along with denim ripped jeans. Heading downstairs with my phone I search for a bag and fill it with notebooks and some writing tools.

I turn to find my boots on the floor by the entrance and slipped into them, all I'm missing is a breakfast meal and my lucky knife however I'm not sure where I left it. I didn't seem to have found it last night while I was unpacking.

My ears perked as I hear a car beep to indicate it locking, and the sound of familiar shuffling feet by the entrance.

"It's open!" I shout as I toss some cereal into a bowl and pour the milk into it.

"No it's not!"

"Nicolah it's open." I state.

"I can't get it." I chuckle to her mess of a failure and head over to the door.

"Open," I say after I open the door and see her struggling to carry her things. "you didn't even try did you?" I asked as I went back to my cereal.

She looks me dead in the eye and smiles as she pushes her way into the house. "Not even once." She said dropping everything onto the floor.

"Oh, by the way you left your knife so I brought it." I look up from my now empty bowl and see her dangling the knife with her fingers.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" I jump up and rush to her to grab the knife and start kissing the leather cover of the knife.

"Really, I'm the one who brought it, don't I deserve a kiss?" She whined as she pointed to her cheek.

Ignoring her I check the time 6:30, I place the knife in my boot where it should be and grab my wallet.

"Hey can I take the car?"

"Have you got your license?"

I wave my wallet and she tosses me the keys. "Thanks, I'll do my best to crash it." I wink, as I watch her reaction.

"You better not it's the company's car, I don't want to get tortured because of you." I chuckle and grab my bag.

"I was kidding."

"Sure you were." I heard her mumble as I got out the front door.

Starting the car I fix the seat and adjust the mirror so I can see behind the car. Keeping a good balance on my foot I put the car in reverse and back out of the driveway quickly getting into drive and balancing my foot on the pedal as I drive off to the school.

As I came into view of the school I notice people looking my way, soon enough I found the student parking and put the gear into park. Taking a deep breath I grab my stuff, and open the door of the dark Lamborghini. After closing the door I lock the car and head to the front entrance of the school.

Most humans had stopped staring however I was still receiving a variety of looks from the rest of the humans, rogues and werewolves.

Rogues and werewolves are pretty easy to identify and smell, also if you know how to hide your scent properly you can distinguish the differences of certain things. In other words, hidden scents are stronger because its not meant to be found.

I made my way into the school, looking around for the office as someone ran into me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry are you okay?!"

"Yeah I'm fine"

She kept apologizing and I kept reassuring her that I was fine, which resulted into both of us laughing.

"Nicole!" a voice shouted.

"Coming" the girl quickly responded, she gave me a heartfelt smile and rushed to the person and they conversed about figuring out who or what I was.

I look around for the office and the whole hallway erupted into whispers. The bell went and I was left alone in the hall.

"Savannah, I presume?"

I turn around and come face to face with an older woman and she motions for me to join her in a room, when did she get there?

"Yes, that's me."

"Alright since you are eighteen I just have a few questions I'd like to confirm with you."

"Alright." I mention confidently.

"Full name?"

"Savannah Annabella Nicolah"

"What school did you go to before?"

"I was actually home schooled" not.


"April 26" She let out a light squeal.

"Mine is April 26 too!" Huh, interesting, and she's an alpha's wife, I can tell by her scent.

I give her a warm smile and she tells me about the school and shows me where to go next.

Satan, The New Girl {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now