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Standing at the docks of Hulbury, Y/N waited impatiently as a ship pulled in, bringing with it a load of passengers and tourists. Jesse, her Boltund, stood next to her, shifting his feet as he, too, waited impatiently for the passenger the duo were waiting on.

The ship docked and passengers began leaving the boat, Jesse's ears perking up as he trotted over to where the boat had docked. Y/N followed, greeting people as they exited the boat.

"We weren't expecting to get to meet the champion!" one of the tourists exclaimed. Y/N gave them a smile and continued on, watching for one specific passenger.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" a smooth, slightly deep feminine voice said, making Y/N jump. She looked over to greet the golden haired girl, both of them immediately reaching out for a hug despite Y/N's aversion to physival touch.

Felice was a close friend, one who had been recently traveling for the past three years, a little after Y/N had become champion. She had never been drawn to the battling lifestyle like Y/N had been, instead chasing after a life of performance and style, a life she had been living fairly famously for the past two years.

"It's been a while," Y/N said.

"Well, I have the next hear off," Felice said, brushing long golden hair over her shoulder. "Where's Thorn and Vin?"

"They stayed at their home," Y/N told her. "Thorn didn't want to deal with the crowd and Vin was busy with a Vikavolt."

Felice hummed, beginning to tap on her phone to call a flying taxi. Vin and Thorn lived together, Vin being too young to live on her own and Thorn being too protective of his sister to let her live on her own. They lived in the Wold Area, Vin taking care of many Pokemon from the siblings' shared home

They both entered the flying taxi, both of them chattering away the whole flight. As they arrived at the Wild Area, they were greeted by Thorn, who was leaning against the Hammerlocke wall on his phone. Felice greeted him with a hello, giving the younger a wave instead of a hug.

"Hey Thorn," Felice greeted. Thorn glanced up at her before turning away. Felice's mood visibly dampened. "Guess not," she muttered.

"He's still upset about you leaving," Y/N whispered to her. "Said it feels like you were abandoning us, and it was only made worse by me moving part time up to Wyndon."

"You still come down here?" Felice asked, seeming a bit surprised. Y/N bumped her with her hip.

"Don't act so surprised," she said. "You're all my family. I like spending time with you, no matter how much I I not act like it."

"Awe, you do care," Felice joked, ruffling Y/N's hair. Y/N slowed, straightening her hair a bit before continuing.

They continued talking as a house came up in the distance, a Mudsdale and Hydreigon both outside of the house, the Mudsdale with a bandage around its ankle and the Hydreigon with blindfolds around each of its heads, which all raised one by one as the group passed.

They arrived inside the house, Thorn immediately heading to his room as a crashing came from the kitchen.

"Felice!" a small feminine voice squeaked. "I'll be right there!"

A golden Shinx with only three legs and a stump for a tail went running around the corner, Vin chasing after it and eventually catching it. The Shinx squealed in delight, Vin scolding it as she continued to wrap a bandage around its damaged stump.

"Who's this?" Felice asked.

"He doesn't have a name," Vin said. "He was brought over from the Isle of Armour, though. He was abandoned because he was shiny."

Felice cooed, scratching the lynx's head. The Shinx purred, leaning his head into her hand. "He's a cutie," Felice commented.

"And a handful," Vin sighed.

Y/N released Amzi, her partner Dragapult, allowing him to roam around the house. He immediately went over to the Shinx, sniffing him.

"We ready to go?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, just a minute," Vin said, putting Shinx in a Pokeball. She went over to the coat rack, getting her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. She called for Thorn, who reluctantly left his room.

They all made their way to the Lake of Outrage, all of them heading to one of the steep cliffs and beginning to climb, Amzi flying up a bunch of ropes for them all to attach to climbing harnesses. Amzi made sure the lines were secure and called for them all to start climbing.

Y/N was big on rare Pokémon, having made it her mission to see all the rare Pokémon Galar had to offer, so when she heard rumors of a never before seen Pokémon hiding at the top of the Lake of Outrage cliffs, she had to gather everyone and go see for herself.

Y/N was the first up, followed by Thorn, then Felice, and then Vin. Everyone checked in on everyone, making sure all of the group were okay, and they began making their way deeper into the forest atop the cliff.

They trekked for what felt like hours, eventually reaching the seaside cliff, and putting an end to their journey. Vin had brought sandwiches, so they all sat down and ate, Y/N staring oit at the sea.

A loud roar came from behind them, sounding like no Pokémon Y/N had ever heard of. Y/N got up immediately and bolted towards it. "Come on!" she yelled.

"But-- But what about lunch!" Felice called after her. The trio all groaned and began running after Y/N, all of them shoving the last of their sandwiches in their mouths.

They got to where Y/N was, seeing her looking around, spinning a bit to look in all directions.

The roar sounded again, but this time it was close by.

"Where did that come from?" Y/N asked. Everyone looked around.

There was another roar, but this time a giant purple, smokey dragon-shaped snout appeared from the shadows, moving towards Y/N, revealing more of the smokey face. Y/N stood still, her eyes wide, as glowing yellow eyes locked on to her. She reached out, her hand passing through the snout.

The creature didn't seem to like that, backing up and roaring again. It shot forwards, it's misty teeth bared, and headed straight for Vin. Thorn shoved her out of the way, being engulfed in the smoke. They heard a shout and then silence.

Everyone stared in horror at what had just happened, everyone seemingly frozen in fear. Y/N released Amzi as the creature began heading for Vin again, ordering him to use Phantom Force on the creature, but the move just passed right through the smoke, only enraging the creature more.

It lunged at Vin, her scream being cut off as the smoke engulfed her. Felice and Y/N both backed away, Felice beginning to run, but that only drew more attention to herself and she was the next to go.

Y/N stood in the middle of the woods, Amzi having disappeared, presumably to wherever the creature was sending everyone. The creature stood in front of her, staring at her with glowing golden eyes. She took a shaky breath as it opened its maw, and she began walking towards it. She closed her eyes tight as smoke poured from its mouth and engulfed her.

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