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Okay, so I would like to start off by saying that I absolutely 100% support the BLM movement. I'm trying to do as much as I can to help, but I can't protest and I can't donate. So far, I'm going to be leaving one of those videos with tons of ads donating to causes on overnight on silent so that I can let the ads play through while I'm asleep and help get the ad revenue, and I'm also helping by helping share posts about BLM and tips on protests on TikTok.

I haven't spoken about it yet because I'm not great with words, and I'm afraid I'll mess up what I'm trying to say, but I've decided that risking messing up what I'm trying to say is better than staying quiet. I'm non-binary, trixic, and ace, and I am eternally grateful for and appreciate everything that the POC/black community has done to help us earn our rights in America. They don't deserve to lose their lives, and nobody does. All I can really do is help in any ways I can, which isn't much, but I'm trying, and I urge you to help in any ways you can, too, even if that's just by helping the algorithm show more people posts about what's going on in the world.

If you are going to protests, please stay safe. I know that this is necessary, and I'm not telling you to stay home instead of going, but still your safety is important, too.

Remember to take breaks if you need them. I know that everything is stressful right now, but with any luck things will be better once this ends. Let's hope for a brighter future, please.

I don't have a large amount of followers, but still it's important to me that I say this.

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