Chapter Two

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Y/N woke up once again, blinking to get used to the light, she looked around. She finally noticed she was connected to a heart monitor and an IV, which was sending water through her veins while she couldn't hydrate herself.

She slowly managed to sit up, and one of the nurses must have been monitoring her because two people soon entered.

"Hi, I'm Aiko," the woman said, introducing herself. "This is Haru, he's training to be a nurse. I'll be your nurse today, I hope you don't mind. We're just gonna check your vitals and then you have a visitor."

Y/N cleared her throat, which was feeling itchy. "Where are my friends?" she asked.


"My friends? Two girls, one boy?"

"Oh, you must be referring to the people who appeared with you," the nurse said. "They've woken up already, and are already visiting with Nezu."


"The U.A. principal," the nurse explained, clearing up nothing. "He'll be coming to see you in a minute."

The nurse took her vitals, explaining to the trainee what she was doing as she was doing it, and then left, a small man about the size of a toddler who looked like a Cubchoo entering the room.

"Hello!" He said, his voice squeaky and small. "I'm Nezu, principal of U.A. Hero school."

"Uh, Y/N," Y/N said, introducing herself.

"No last name?" She shook her head.

"I spoke to your friends already, and I already know your story," Nezu said, climbing up on the bed and sitting at her legs. "I came to ask you to stay at U.A. and help teach my students about teamwork after witnessing your amazing performance against that giant dragon!"

He went on, talking about how there would of course be everything needed included, consisting of a place to stay, three meals a day, fresh water and any supplies they needed.

"I'll have to discuss it with my friends first," Y/N told him. "But thank you for your generous and kind offer."

"Well, your friend Felice has my number if you need it," Nezu said. He hopped off the bed, heading over to a tray and taking Pokéballs out of his bag Y/N hadn't noticed he was wearing. "I managed to convince the Commision to allow these to stay with me instead of being confiscated. I figured you would like them back. I do hope you don't mind that I looked at one. Such curious pets you have."

He then left, leaving Y/N alone with her thoughts. She slowly got up, rushing over to the table and then back due to the floor being cold. She released Amzi, who immediately cooed, clearly worried for his trainer and longest friend.

Y/N scratched his snout lightly, booping the noses of the Dreepy in his horns as she called for whoever was knocking to enter.

It turned out to be the rest of her group, all of whom were dressed and ready to leave.

"Well?" Felice asked. "We know Nezu came to talk to you."

"I think we should take the opportunity," Y/N said.

"Are you kidding?" Thorn asked, bewildered. "We don't know him. For all we know, he could be lying and planning to kidnap us."

"Thorn, we need a place to stay while we figure everything out," Y/N said. "He gave us back pur Pokémon, even. I don't know why he would do that of he were planning to kidnap us."

"Maybe because he's more powerful than us even with our partners?" Thorn suggested. "We don't know what anyone in this world is like. All we know is that everyone seems to have some sort of power. Everyone except us. We could easily be overpowered against the right enemy."

"You're overthinking again," Felice sighed, knowing full well about the younger's tendency to do as she had said. "This is a good chance for us. And besides, nothing can get past Y/N. She's the Galar Champion."

"Nothing except for that dragon, whatever it was," Thorn reminded her. Y/N looked down at her hands, feeling guilty for not having been able to beat it. Amzi put his snout under her chin, lifting her head up as if to tell her to cheer up. She scratched his head.

There was a moment of silence as everyone waited for Y/N, seeming like she was the deciding factor as Vin was on the fence about everything.

"I say we take the chance," Y/N finally said. "We need somewhere to stay, and this is our best chance. We need to do this."

"Then get changed. I'll call Nezu," Felice said.

Y/M went in the bathroom, swiping her clothes from the cart. When she exited she grabbed all of her Pokéballs, attaching them to her belt after returning Amzi. Everyone waited for a bit before leaving the hospital, having already been discharged.

"I still don't like this idea," Thorn said.

"You don't have to like it," Y/N argued.

They waited for a taxi to pick them up, eventually all of them piling in once it arrived, ready to go to the hero school Nezu mentioned that he ran. They missed the yellow, cat-like eyes watching them, the girl they belonged to gaining a sudden infatuation.

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