Chapter Three

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There was no pause between when Thorn called out the command to go and when everyone on the field began charging at one another. Y/N was the only one who stayed still, and she widened her stance as Felice got closer. The blonde leaped at her with a right hook, but Y/N was easily able to take it.

She grabbed Felice by the arm and twisted her around, holding her with her arms behind her back. Felice struggled to get free, but Y/N kept a strong grip that only faltered when a Stone Edge erupted from the ground, narrowly missing Y/N. It caught her arm, breaking the skin just barely, but it wasn't nearly enough damage to make her even flinch.

Y/N glanced over to where Jesse and Razzle were locked in battle, both of them fighting to the best of their abilities. Despite Razzle having more levels, Jesse had more experience actually battling.

Y/N yelped when she was tackled to the ground by Felice, who placed a knee between her shoulder blades and twisted her arms behind her back. She moved to throw Felice off of her, but a sudden feeling in their dynamax bands made her and Felice both pause.

Y/N took advantage of the situation and tossed off Felice.

"You felt that, too, right? I'm not just going crazy?"

"Yeah, I felt it," Felice said. She shook herself off and then looked to Razzle. She looked to Y/N, raising a brow.

"Everyone back off!" Y/N yelled. "We're gonna show you a real Galarian battle..."

The students all back away, and Y/N pulled out Jesse's Pokeball before returning him. Once everyone was far enough away, Y/N tapped the Pokeball to her wristband and the Pokeball began to grow in size. She tossed the now giant Pokeball into the air and caught it again before turning around and tossing the ball as far away as possible.

Felice did the same, and the students watched as giant versions of the Pokemon that were previously on the field appeared.

Jesse barked, his bark now low and resounding, and Razzle howled.

Felice and Y/N both moved away, knowing that it was even moreso dangerous for them to spar when their Pokemon were Dynamaxed.

The students were thankfully staying back, and when Jesse released a Max Lightning nobody was hurt aside from Razzle. An electric terrain spread across the ground as far as the eye could see, but it wasn't affecting anyone past just giving them the occasional static shock.

Quickly Felice had ordered Razzle to use Max Rockfall, and Jesse was seriously affected by it.

"Use Max Darkness!" Y/N called out. Jesse did just that, and Y/N shouted for him to keep it up as long as he could. Once he could no longer keep the Max Darkness on Razzle, she ordered a Max Strike.

He hit Razzle head-on, and the wolf Pokemon stumbled back a bit. It was clear she was losing more health, and was growing closer to fainting, but Felice shouted for another Rockfall.

"C'mon, you're still good!" Y/N called to her partner. Jesse was weak after the attack, but one more Max Lightning was enough to paralyze Razzle for a moment while Jesse got in close and got another Max Strike in. Razzle howled again and shrunk down to normal size, being recalled to her Pokeball. Now that Felice didn't have Razzle to battle with, she stood down.

Jesse let out a victorious howl and shrunk back down to normal size. The students all immediately rushed up to her, asking questions about how she did that and what happened and other questions along those lines. Y/N was no stranger to having people crowd her and ask her questions all at once, so she waited until they calmed down.

Finally, one of the students spoke up.

"This is unorderly! They've only just gotten here, we shouldn't be bombarding them with questions!" the person said. All of the students quieted down and got into a line when the boy ordered it.

The pink skinned girl was first. "Can all of these become huge like that?" she asked.

Felice nodded. "Yes, they can. It's called Dynamaxing, and all Pokemon can do it as long as you have a Dynamax band. Some Pokemon, however, can Gigantamax, which is where they grow in size and also change forms."

That brought a new wave of questions, and the boxy-looking one from before was desperately trying to regain order.

Next was a boy with black hair and weird elbows.

"Sero Hanta," he said, introducing himself. "The girl before me was Ashido Mina. Which of them can Gigantamax?"

"Well, of mine Jemima and Vulcan can Gigantimax. Jemima is the Appletun, and Vulcan is the Coalossal," she explained, motioning to both of her Pokemon in turn. She then pointed to Aphrodite. "Aphrodite over there can Gigantamax, and so can Valk. Cordelia also can, but Vin doesn't have a Dynamax band."

Nezu walked up to her. "My, what a spectacular display!" he said, congratulations. "I must say, you two, that you both seem to have very strong connections to your Pokemon!"

"Thank you," Felice said. "Razzle and Dazzle were my first two Pokemon, so we have a bond stronger than most. And Jesse was I think Y/N's second Pokemon...?"

Y/N nodded. "He and Amzi are both my biggest powerhouses, so I usually lead with him and then finish with Amzi whenever battling with my full team."

"What do you do if you get hit by them when they're attacking?" one of the students asked. He was quickly scolded by the boxy boy for not waiting his turn.

"Shake it off, complain a bit probably, and then get back to fighting," Felice said, as if it were the simplest thing in the world. "Humans have been walking the earth alongside their Pokemon companions as far back as history has been recorded, so it would be more weird if we didn't build up some sort of resistance to their attacks."

"How many hits can you take?" the girl at the front of the line asked. It was the brunette with the bob.

"Usually we can take a few Explosions before we have to tap out," Y/N said. "Without good resistance training, you can usually take two or three. I think my highest count was eight?"

The girl, satisfied with the answer, left and went off to stand with the others who had asked questions already.

"How old are you?"

"Kaminari, you can't just ask people how old they are!" The girl behind the electric blond scolded him, but everyone who could understand his question just laughed it off. Thorn was understandably confused, seeing as he was the only one who couldn't understand.

"Well, I'm almost eighteen, now, Thorn is nineteen, Vin is sixteen, and Felice is the oldest of us at twenty two," Y/N said.

"Wow, you're our age yet you act so mature!" Mina gushed.

"Thanks! It comes with the trauma," Felice said. Y/N inwardly cringed, knowing full well that Felice had gone through something terrible before she and Y/N had even met, despite Felice never coming straight out and telling her what happened. It was an extremely sensitive subject, and the class seemed to realize that as an awkward silence settled over everyone.

"Well, I think that's about enough questioning," Nezu said, clapping his furry little paws together. "Besides, Detective Naomasa should be here any minute now."

Everyone in their group seemed silently relieved at that, even Thorn who couldn't understand what was being said relaxed a bit. They said their farewells and left the training grounds.

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