Chapter One

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Y/N woke up with a pounding headache, in the middle of some woods, with no idea how she got there. The last thing she had been able to remember was being sucked into the rift that the strange phantom creature had make, and then... nothing.

Her eyes shot open and she frantically looked around, finding Amzi hovering a bit away, obviously shaken up by the fact that he wasn't right by her side.

"Amzi," she groaned out. The dual-type shot towards her, the Dreepy in his horns squealing at the rush. He tackled her to the ground, obviously happy at the fact that she was there. "We need to find the others... If they're even here, I mean."

She picked herself up, not even flinching at the sight of her side, which was sure to bruise. She didn't care much about it- she could easily tank some of the strongest Pokemon moves thanks to the training she did in order to be able to fight alongside her partners.

Her Dragapult helped her up, letting her lean on his head when she felt suddenly dizzy. She brushed it off as just being side effects of what she assumed was inter-dimensional travel. She began to walk, but she was stopped when she heard something coming closer to her.

Vin stumbled out from between trees, her glasses all messed up and leaves in her braided hair. She gasped when she saw Y/N.

"Thank goodness!" she said. Her butterfree flittered around her nervously as she stumbled forwards and into Y/N. Y/N caught her quickly.

"Do you know where the others are?" Y/N asked, holding Vin by her shoulder as she tried to stand up on her own again. Vin shook her head sadly.

"I don't even know if they've been transported here," she said, deflating. The girl took a step forward to begin searching, but she hissed in pain and fell to the ground, holding her ankle.

"Shit, uh, hold on," Y/N said. Dragapult brought his trainer's bag over from where it was still on the ground, and Y/N began digging through it, searching for bandages. "Here we go..."

Thankfully, Y/N was used to wrapping body parts, as learning to fight isn't the easiest thing ever and ends up in a fair bit of injury quite a few times. Of course, Y/N had built up endurance, so she wasn't very likely to be hurt when fighting, but it was still better safe than sorry, so she kept herself trained on how to bandage different body parts.

Once Vin was done being bandaged, Y/N glanced around. Amzi wouldn't be able to carry Vin, and Y/N doubted that she herself was in the condition where she could carry the younger girl.

"Vulcan, help us." She pulled out her Coalossal's Pokeball, and he was plenty happy to pick up Vin and carry her next to Y/N and Amzi.

It took a bit, but eventually she heard growling, and she rushed towards the sound, recognizing Razzle's voice. The Midday Lycanroc was busy with her nose to the ground, sniffing out Thorn now, since it had obviously found Y/N and Vin.

Felice ran up to Vin immediately upon recognizing the smaller girl in Vulcan's arms and began fussing over her, even though the redhead insisted that she was fine and that her injury was just a sprained ankle.

Razzle howled, signaling that she had found Thorn, and everyone looked at each other before sprinting off to find their final family member.

As they reached Thorn, they saw him standing behind his two Toxtricity, crouching as if he were about to pounce, with Razzle beside him to protect him. Across from him were two people, both trying to calm him down in Kantonese.

Of course, Thorn couldn't understand her since he only spoke Unovan and/or Galarian, so he was only getting more defensive as he assumed that they were threatening him, but Y/N could, due to having grown up in Kanto until she was about ten.

Felice, who was also capable of speaking Kantonese, rushed over to Thorn to translate for him.

"I'm sorry for my friend," Y/N said to them, bowing politely. "He doesn't speak Kantonese, and he is typically very defensive. He assumed you were a threat."

"What is Kantonese?" one of the two asked. She had long white hair with two long, white, Cinderace-esque ears on top of her head, and she was crouched down, as if she was waiting to pounce on either Thorn or one of his two Toxtricity.

"The language we are speaking...?" Y/N said. She glanced over to Felice, who seemed just as confused.

"We're speaking Japanese," the woman said. The person beside her stayed quiet, keeping his eyes on Thorn. His hair was floating, and his eyes were red.

"It's called Kantonese where I'm from," Y/N told the woman, even more confused.

"Where are you from?"


"It's called Japanese there, too? We're in Japan. It's a region of Japan," the woman explained, her posture loosening as she realized that Y/N was just as confused as she was. Y/N glanced around, noticing that Thorn's Toxtricity were both much more relaxed now that they knew that the people in front of them weren't threats.

"Japan? Where is that?" Y/N asked. Things were just not making sense, and she was confused and slightly scared.

"First I'd like to know why you're here and how you got here," tha man said, his hair back down around his shoulders now that Thorn and his Toxtricity weren't a threat anymore.

"We would like to know that, too," Y/N told him, sighing. She ran a hand through her hair, glancing over to where Vulcan and Vin where. Vin was back on her feet, though she was heavily leaning on her uninjured ankle. "We were in some woods in Galar, just exploring, when this giant hole opened up in the air and some creature pulled us all through... I've no idea why we're here, and past the fact that we seemed to anger something strange, I have no idea how we got here, either."

The man huffed, tired. His eyes looked over to the Pokemon behind her, and when he looked back at her she could already tell what he was going to ask.

"What are those things? Some sort of pets?" he asked. Y/N nodded.

"Sort of. They're companions. They're called Pokemon. If we're not in... my world, I suppose, that will have no meaning to you."

Both of the strangers looked to each other, contemplating her words.

"Come with me," the man commanded. Still a bit cautious, Y/N didn't move. He huffed. "We're taking you to the school, where you'll stay for a bit until we figure out what to do with you."

"And why are we going to be staying at the school?" Felice asked, finally deciding to speak up.

"I'm going to call in a favor from someone who can tell whether you're telling the truth or not," he explained. Y/N was about to argue, so he continued. "You do realize how crazy your story sounds, right? Being pulled through a rift in, what? Space time? And then traveling through to a completely separate world? It's better we be safe rather than sorry."

Y/N nodded, begrudgingly understanding his reasoning. After explaining the situation to Thorn and Vin, they all followed the strange man and raboot woman to the large building nearby.


Okay, I am off of my two week hiatus, and I have all the chapters up to five done, and chapter six is almost done, so there'll be pretty consistent updating for some time. I've been playing the Isle of Armor dlc and God I love it so much I just-

Also a quick reminder that just because the BLM/ACAB movements aren't trending anymore doesn't mean that it's not a problem and we still need to get this shit fixed!! We still need to spread awareness and help in whatever ways we can!

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