Chapter Eight

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Y/N was spending the night with the students of class 2-A, who were all in the lounge and discussing their upcoming graduation and move up into class 3-A while also watching a movie. Y/N was positioned on the couch, with Vin draped over her with her chin resting on her shoulder and Belladonna curled up on Vin's back. Thorn was out doing who knows what, so Y/N had taken up the job of keeping Vin comforted.

Uraraka, who was next to her, jumped and yelped quietly in fear when Vin started thrashing a bit in her sleep. Y/N instinctively wrapped her arms tighter around the younger girl, providing a comforting squeeze that helped her calm down.

People watched the redhead with worry, but went back to doing their own things after a minute once she calmed down. Thankfully Felice had decided come back in from whatever she was doing outside.

"Should I take her to her room?" Felice asked, motioning to the younger girl.

"Sure," Y/N said. Felice carefully picked Vin up, making sure not to wake her, and after letting Belladonna get comfortable, she took her away. Y/N stretched briefly before standing up. "I'm gonna go for a walk."

She turned around and headed for the elevator, yawning once she was inside. She called out Amzi once she was on the ground level, and the dual type waddled along beside her on all four legs.

She continued on until she reached the forest, which she entered. Amzi was trailing along behind her, sniffing at random things. He found a little rattata-like creature at one point and caught that to pick up and show Y/N, which he was really happy about. He didn't harm it in any way, but it was shaken up when he put it back down.

Y/N had kept going, trying to find a peaceful place to look at the stars, only to pause when she heard her Dragapult call out to her. She looked back at him, trying to follow his line of sight, but whatever he was looking at was blocked by foliage.

"Amzi, is something wrong?" she asked, making her way back towards her dragon.

Once she got close enough to catch a glance of a small fire, there was a loud shriek and the fire began moving away, growing bigger.

"Hey! Wh-"

"Oi!" Someone yelled out after the sound of them landing on the ground. "Who the fuck do you think you-"

"Bakugo?" Y/N called to the blond, brushing past all of the branches and bushes in her way. She finally found him, with a small blue and tan creature on top of him.

"Y/N?! What the fuck is this thing?!" He picked up the Pokemon, taking a good look at it. Y/N's breath caught in her throat when she realized what it was.

"Calm down! It's just a Cyndaquil!" she said, taking it from him. She dropped it in shock when the fire on its back flared up, growing hotter. The Cyndaquil ran behind the loud blond, peeking out behind his legs to squeal in an attempt to intimidate her.

"What the fuck is a Cyndaquil?!"

"It's a starter from Johto, but by the looks of it it seems to be just a baby..."

Amzi called out from somewhere nearby before returning to the duo, holding the shell of what must have been the Cyndaquil's egg. Y/N carefully took the shell, noting that it was still warm which meant that the Pokemon had hatched within the last few minutes.

She turned back to the fire type before crouching down.

"Hey there little guy," she said, reaching out to the mouse Pokemon. The Cyndaquil ducked behind Bakugo again, and Y/N realized why. "It think you're it's mother," she explained.

"Why?" Bakugo asked, watching the small mouse. It was possibly the softest moment she had seen him have.

"Well, Typhlosion- it's final evolution- are known for having a... well, for lack of a better word, an explosive personality," she explained. "He-" she was cut off by Amzi growling softly. "Sorry, she was probably attracted to you for your temper."

Bakugo grunted, only a little displeased with Y/N having called him out for his temper.

Y/N sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Let's get her back to the dorms, I need to talk with Felice," she said, reaching down to pick up the Cyndaquil, who shrieked and hit behind Bakugo again. Y/N straightened up and looked at the blond before her, raising an eyebrow. Bakugo bent down and picked up the mouse Pokemon, who was quick to nestle into his arms.

"So, these guys are for, like, starters?" Bakugo asked as they trekked through the woods again. Y/N nodded.

"They're fairly quick to evolve, and fairly strong when they're full grown, so they're a good choice for people who are just starting out."

"What does a Typhlosion look like?"

"They're really cool," she assured him. She took out her phone and began scrolling through her gallery, which was thankfully fine even through the whole dimension hopping ordeal. She found a picture of a friend's Typhlosion, showing it to him, and he smirked. "If I had stayed in Johto long enough, I probably would have chosen a Typhlosion for my starter."

Amzi whined, prompting Y/N to roll her eyes. "But I got the best starter in the world, anyways," she said, making the dragon coo as she scratched his chin.

The rest of the walk was quiet, but when they finally got back to the dorms everyone began questioning them, leading to Bakugo's new Cyndaquil crying out in fear, which in turn lead to the blond yelling for everyone to get out of his way so he could go to his room.

Y/N left the students without any explanation, instead opting to find Felice, who was in her room.

"Felice, we have a bit of a problem," she said, continuing when the older girl grunted. "Bakugo and I just found a Cyndaquil out in the woods."

"And that's a problem why?" Felice grumbled tiredly.

"Felice, Cyndaquil aren't native to Galar."

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