Chapter Four

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Dabi walked through the streets, his boots clunking against the pavement. It was dark, since none of the street lamps worked. Honestly, this place was such a dump that the only people who stayed in it were common street thugs and factories owned by companies who made their employees work in shit conditions.

Perhaps that was why he had come here. To terrorize the locals.

He came across a large industrial building, and hear voices from inside. He turned to look at the building, and spotted a door near the end of the building.

The door opened with an ominous creak, and the voices got quieter, whispering among themselves. One of the voices spoke up.

"Show yourself! We'll shoot you 'til you're six feet under!" he said.

Street gang. His assumption had been correct. He stepped in and let the door swing shut behind him.

Suddenly, there was a clatter and a blue light lit up from behind the group of men, making them all jump and turn around.

A candle.

There was a candle behind them.

The men sighed in relief.

"We're just lettin' things get the better of us," one of them grumbled. "It was just a stupid candle. Ain't nothin' to be afraid of."

The man walked forwards and picked the short candle up, turning around to the others with the stand it was on in his hand. The men screamed, and a shrill squeal came from something.

The candle.

The squeal came from the candle.

The men ran when they saw the face on the candle, and the candle let out a bout of giggles before jumping off of the stand and following the men.

Dabi lit the only way out on fire, and they were left with either going through the flames and being burned to death, or facing the candle. The living fucking candle.

The candle giggled like a baby and got closer to the men, the flame on its head growing the closer it got. Its face twisted into something almost horrifying for a moment, and then one of the men dropped dead, while the blue flame on its head grew bigger and brighter.

The candle giggled again, and continued until only one man was left. The flame was almost twice the size as its body at this point, and the man was backed up against the wall, begging for his life.

The candle giggled again, and then the man dropped to the floor, lifeless. Dabi watched the candle curiously, and the candle turned to him. It giggled again, a little smile on its face, deceptively cute.

As soon as the candle began advancing on him, he lit his hand on fire, deciding that he would burn the candle before it did the same thing to him as it did with the others. But the candle stopped.

It cooed at his flames, almost as a baby would whenever it was shown something that piqued its interest. It got closer, and Dabi let the flames die down but not let them go completely out. He kneeled down, holding his hand out to the tiny creature.

The candle cooed again and got closer until it could reach out with a nubby little arm and pat the flame, eyes brightening along with the flame on its head. It let out a shrill giggle and spun around. Dabi put his flame out and reached out to the candle, who leaned forwards so that he could feel its flame.

It was cold.

Dabi curiously watched for a moment, and the candle pushed itself into his hand, the dripping wax also cold against his palm. It didn't come off on his hand, which made him curious. What exactly was this thing?

"C'mon," he told the candle. He held his hand out and it crawled onto it, letting him lift it up and takw it with him.


Dabi arrived at the League's hideout, his little candle friend perched happily on his shoulder, cooing and giggling at the new sights and anything that it found even remotely interesting. As he pushed his way through the doors to the abandoned mansion, he was greeted by Spinner playing games on the couch while Toga rocked on her legs beside him on the couch, playing with one of her knives and humming to herself. How spinner managed to set up wifi in an abandoned mansion in the literal middle of nowhere, he didn't know.

Toga noticed his return and turned to greet him. "Hi Dabi!" she said excitedly. He grunted in reply, and she deflated, sulking, only to perk up again when she noticed the candle on his shoulder. "Who's your friend?! I didn't know you could make friends!"

"Nobody," he huffed. The candle cooed sadly, and Toga lunged over the back of the couch, running up to him and yanking the candle off of his shoulder. The candle puffed up its cheeks, but giggled when it saw how happy Toga was. "Don't mess with him."

The candle squeaked, and Toga nodded. "Hey, respect her pronouns! She's a she." The candle giggled again, the flame on top of its head growing in happiness. Dabi rolled his eyes and stuck out his hand, which the candle happily hopped onto once again. Toga pouted. "No fair! I want one!"

Another giggle came from the candle. At least, Dabi had assumed it to be from the candle. He was proven wrong, though, when a whole new candle appeared. This one had a lighter blue flame and green eyes, though. Toga squealed and rushed towards it, to which the candle grinned.

Toga picked it up and began nuzzling it, and Dabi watched as the candle wax dripped away, revealing a black and teal fox-like creature. Toga opened her eyes when she felt the change, but only squealed more when she saw it. The fox barked in joy at her, wagging its puffy tail. Dabi's own new friend giggled, and he glanced between the two before turning to go to his room.

"Welcome to the League of Villains," he said to his companion.

I just finished chapter ten lmao

Anyways I'm going by Ash now, and I can already say that even though I just today decided on the name it already feels nice ^^

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