Chapter One

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Y/N woke up in the middle of a road, people screaming around her. She looked around, noticing her friends all laying nearby, none of them having woken up yet.

She assessed the situation, noticing that the Pokémon from before was still around, causing chaos as it snapped and hissed at bystanders. Smoke was billowing out from its mouth, filling the streets and causing visibility to gradually get lower.

Y/N stood up, grabbing the Pokéball from her belt and attempting to call her partner Pokémon to her side, only to remember he wasn't in his Pokéball. She looked around, frantically calling out his name until a familiar cry was heard, her partner appearing from the smoke and taking his place in front of her.

"We can't hit this thing," Y/N reminded him. She looked around, noticing innocent civilians standing around on the street, all of them cowering in fear, some with phones out recording the incident. She quickly came up with a plan, calling out her other Pokémon and explaining said plan to them.

Her Pokémon got to work distracting the beast, sending off attacks that they knew would miss just to draw its attention away as Y/N began directing civilians, her head pounding.

She was directing a group of middle schoolers away when she turned around, watching as the creature thrashed around, getting dangerously close to her passed out friends. She ran towards Vin, who was closest to being touched, and began dragging the girl away, cringing slightly at the scrapes the girl would have from the asphalt.

The creature began stumbling away, batting at Amzi as it did so, and it was about to step on Felice when a boy about Y/N's age with green hair ran up, grabbing Felice and beginning tk drag her away.

"Get them to safety!" the boy yelled, passing off Felice to a girl in a spacesuit. The girl nodded, directing a boy with hair that was half red and half white to grab Thorn.

"No one tells me what to do, you damn Deku!" an angry voice shouted, a blonde boy the same age as the others appearing in the sky. His hands sparked with mini explosions, propelling him through the air, and once he git to the dragon he aimed a hand at its head, setting off an explosion only for the smoke to clear away for a minute before reforming.

"It can't be touched!" Y/N yelled, warning them. "You have to find some other way to beat it."

The green haired boy nodded at her, beginning to direct others. A blond man with giant red wings appeared from the skies, grabbing Y/N. "We're getting you to safety," he said.

"I need to see my friends," Y/N said. "I want to make sure they're okay." The man looked at her for a second before nodding, taking her to where her friends were being loaded onto ambulances. She went to Vin's side, wanting to stay with the youngest of their group, but was ushered away and to a medic, who took one look at her eyes and sent her on her own ambulance.

"That bad, huh?" she asked, calling behind her as the medics ushered her into an ambulance. "Wait!"

She brought her Pokéballs out, bringing back all of her Pokémon. The EMTs looked at her weird as she brought them back, but didn't bother asking what happened, focusing only on getting her to a hospital.


"Knock knock!" someone sang from behind the hospital door.

"We're coming in anyways!" a rougher yet feminine voice called. Someone busted into the room, a girl with white hair, red eyes, and tan skin. She had tall white ears on the top of her head, resembling that of a Buneary but without the tuft on the top of them.

The next person to enter was the man who had taken her to the medics. Y/N actually bothered to get a good look at him this time, noticing he had blond hair and golden eyes that made him seem relaxed, but Y/N could see right through him, after all, she had the same kind of eyes.

"I'm Hawks, this is Rumi, or Mirko." The guy introduced themselves. "We wanted to check how you were doing. You're one of the girls who fell out of the sky, right?"

"Yes I... believe so," Y/N said. "I fell out of the sky? I just woke up on the ground." Rumi nodded.

"You're lucky you just have a concussion. Your friends are doing better than you, though. Just disoriented and telling weird stories."

"What weird stories?"

"Something about a different world with creatures called Pokémon," Rumi said, waving her hand as if she were physically waving off the idea.

"I'm more inclined to believe them than my friend here," Hawks said. "Four people don't just fall from the sky spouting the same story."

"They're telling the truth," Y/N said. "I'm from there, too. Look, I even have--"

Her Pokéballs.

Where were they?

"The president of the Hero Commission took those balls you had on your jeans," Hawks said. "Said she wanted to make sure they were fine before giving 'em back."

Y/N started to panic. Jesse, Amzi, all of them were in the hands of some stranger. She vaguely heard Hawks and Rumi trying to calm her down, but she was panicking so hard that she couldn't understand them, her vision beginning to go black.

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