Chapter 23 (Unedited)

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Neals eyes locked onto the heated up branding thing, pulling harshly at his restraints as Vidar approached him. The cold metal dug into his wrists and ankles with the struggle making them a ache.

A hand gently stroked Neals head in a soothing manner.

"Shh. Keep still. I don't want you hurting yourself"' he said sweetly, looking down at Neal with a smile.

"What your doing is hurting me" Neal flat out stated, eyes narrowed at the tall crazy man. Not understanding what happened to make him be this way.

"This...this won't hurt as bad as you think. I made sure of it. I'm going to take very good care of you afterwords too" He said this as if it made this situation feel any better for Neal.

"Fuck off"' Neal wasn't about to sit there quietly even with the drunk haze over his mind. Quickly he moved his head, planning to bite the hand stroking him.

"Your Majesty! Their is a problem that needs your presence immediately!" A rushed voice came from the door way where a hooded man stood.

The hand on Neals head pulled away at this. Vidars eyes glaring at the man pissed for being interrupted.

"It better be important or their will be punishment for interrupting me during my time." He placed the heated branding thing down and headed towards the door.

"I'll resume this when I get back" he promised to the glaring boy on the bed, not bothering to release him before leaving.

Now in the room alone Neal stared up at the ceiling in thought, unsure what he could do to avoid the fate that awaited him with Vidars return.

Pulling at the restraints again Neal winced, the aching pain a promise for bruises later.

"Ahhhhhhh" a disturbing scream followed by others cane from the door way twenty minutes later. The sound alerting Neal more awake as he tries to peer out best he could from the place on the bed.

When a tall shadow appeared by the door and the screaming quieted Neal began to struggle once again, not sure if it was Vidar returning or something else horrid.

A tall man rushed into the room, who's hair almost touched the ground in length starting blue at the roots before falling into a silver halfway down his back. Golden eyes glow in the candle light, focused quickly on Neal in the bad. Colours flashed and the tall handsome man rushed over to his side.

"Neal!!!!! Fuck We have missed you" he was overjoyed and incredibly familiar. As he took in Neals trapped self a frown tugged at his lips.

"You smell awful" not once has Neal ever smelt bad to him, but now he couldn't help but focus on the unfamiliar vile scent stuck to Neals body.

A rage rose deep in his chest, golden eyes narrowing as he  grabbed ahold of the chains, instantly melting under his touch and onto the bed.

He does that with each one before swooping Neal up into his arms without another word. Determined to get Neal away from here and get rid of that nasty stench.

That damned brat, holding him off so long. Usually he loved a fight but leaving Neal alone so long didn't sit well with him and now he saw why.

"Azarias?" Neal stares up at him with wide eyes, trying to understand the familiar feeling but the big difference to the boy of before. Hell he was even carrying him! But with that coloration who else could it be?

Golden eyes widened before a smile graced his lips. Looking down to Neal sweetly as he made his way down the many halls.

"We missed you Neal" Azarias is thrilled to have Neal in his arms once again, the sweet bliss he got in his presence was amazing.

He had grown to understand more of himself in this time to, and wanted to share with Neal more of who he was. It was interesting to see such a calm reaction to meeting Fire fronting for the first time.

Azarias has more then one mind in terms of his powers, when each one surfaces strongly he takes on more of the personality of that element. So though they were together they tended to do some things differently when surfacing. Such as the reaction of fire rushing him out of the underground castle and towards the abandoned caves where the dragons once lived.

Fire was the most impulsive of all the elements, as well as possessive of what is his even his coins can't be touched by others.

Being in Azariais's arms is relaxing for Neal, the boozy feeling in his mind helping him to relax more as he nuzzled into Azarias chest.

He couldn't help but fall asleep, having been unable to before due to his fear of Vidars return to brand him.

Azarias looks down to the sleeping Neal and smiles more, joyful to finally be able to be the one to hold him. Keep him safe and sound as he rests sweetly in his arms.
The softness underneath him with the tickling feeling on his neck is what Neal awoke to.  Eyes quick to crack open as he focused on what it could be as well as where he was now.

Looking up at the familiar grey of a cave ceiling Neal blinked, quickly becoming more focused on the man over him. A soft tongue tracing along his neck as Azarias licked at the spot that had been bitten before.

"A-Azarias what are you doing?" Flustered Neal goes to grab at Azarias head, the soft hair between his fingers making him shiver with the continued licking. Unbothered at all by Neals attempt to move him.

"Stay still, We need to get rid of the bad smell" A huge shiver shoots through him, heart racing in reaction to the unexpected low sultry voice beside his ear.

"Then I can take a bath, don't lick me like a cat!" This was not how making someone smell better worked!

Azarias lifted his head, golden eyes staring into his own with a deep heat. A passion deep in them as fulled by his longing and anger at someone covering Neal in such a nasty scent as this.

"Your Ours. A bath won't put Our scent back on you." A small lick to the tip of his nose made it scrunch up from the tickly feeling.

"Mmmmn.....missed you so much" a lick then gentle nip to Neals ear made him yelp in surprise, cheeks beginning to fill with a rush of heat.

Why did he feel like he planned on doing more then just licking?

Wait what kind of dirty thoughts are those this is Azarias just some innocent thing he's doing that is normal to him just no Neal. After all he did rent to lick nipping and licking him before.

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