Chapter 21 (Unedited)

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This really wasn't what he expected to wake up to.

Looking around Neal found himself on a king size bed surrounded by midnight blue curtains that he had to reach out to move aside to see the rest of the room.

As Neal reaches his arm out to do this he noticed a weight on his wrist. A cuff connected to a long chain attached to the bedpost.

"This...." He is quick to see the rest of his limbs cuffed as well. A bitter reminder of the night he had, the night that was no nightmare but reality.

A heavy feeling weighed deep in his chest making his stomach churn uncomfortably. His worries for the boy and the loneliness that came with the boys absence did not calm his heart.

"Just where am I?" Now he knows this is a different spot to where he has passed out. After all a bed, blankets and a gentle heat humming in the air it didn't give off the same vibe as the other room at all.

Moving aside the curtain revealed a fair sized room. The walls and ceiling solid rock with candles long the bare walls. Two sections of the wall arched to form doors. One was open towards another room while the other was shut with a bright, round, red gem as the doorknob

Neal was quick to learn his limits as the chains pulled tight close to the closed door while remained slack as he headed through the other door to reveal what looked like a bathroom.

What seemed to be the sink or shower is like a fountain with the continuing flow of water from a hole in the wall that fell into the water below draining backwards on a tilt towards another hole at the bottom of the wall.

The toilet was pretty much a hole, but after getting so used to going anywhere due to traveling it really wasn't that bad.

The situation on the other hand he had no idea how it was going to go. That asshat who took Azarias is impossible to do anything against. Never mind his weird fascination with touching him.

Looking down at himself he finally noticed the silk pajamas that had been placed on him in his sleep.

"This is...mixed he gonna kill me or not?" What was with the nice bed and clothes but cuffs???

Even if the front door was unlocked he wouldn't be able to reach it while attached to the bed by the chains. It didn't make much sense to Neal so he wasn't sure how to prepare himself, he would need to learn more and find a chance to escape once he discovers what this guy did with Azarias

"Someone's finally awake I see" Neal freezes upon hearing the voice and quickly goes to shut the door to the bathroom. The thick chain stops the door from fully closed and makes a sound in protest.

"Ah shit..right..." Instantly he wanted to run away from that guys groping but forgot he wasn't exactly in a place where he had somewhere to go.

Taking a deep breath Neal makes his way out of the bathroom and instantly his eyes lay on the man sitting on the bed with the curtain pulled to the side. A smirk on his lips as he uncrossed his legs and leaned foreword.

He hasn't bothered to follow Neal in the bathroom because he knew Neal had nowhere to go.

His relaxed manner did nothing to calm Neal, never mind the wag of a finger as he motioned him to come closer.

As soon as Neal was close enough he was grabbed and pulled onto the bed. His eyes widen unable to do anything as he was held tightly against the man. A cold chill quickly  swallowing him whole as if heat never existed.

Neal shivers and barely registers a blanket being pulled over him. How quickly he felt in a daze from the chill, perhaps from shock of the sudden temperature change. Although it wasn't nearly as bad as before when he couldn't feel his limbs at all beyond pricks of pain from the cold.

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