Chapter 18 (Unedited)

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"Why, isn't this such a heartwarming scene" The unfamiliar voice soaked in sarcasm caught the attention of the two laying in the grass.

The first one to look over in the direction of the new comer is Azarias. Neal, on the other hand, has a slower response. If it hadn't been for Azarias moving to stand up off him, he probably wouldn't have even opened his eyes.

Out of everyone it could have been, he was not expecting a little girl to be standing there. She appeared to look around Azarias's age, well his current physical looking age at least.

She is wearing a big poufy black dress and a little black laced headband. It stands out on her pale, glass doll like skin and blond hair pulled up in pigtails. If it wasn't for the rather mature and strange look she had in rose coloured eyes, Neal probably would have just ignored it and went back to sleep.

"Who are you?" Azarias looked on edge, mixed eyes narrowed while his lips twitched as if he wanted to bare his teeth like an animal towards the girl.

She had a terrible smell to her, of course he didn't feel secure. Not that Neal could sense what Azarias could with ease.

" are rather interesting, aren't you?" The girl was suddenly right in front of Azarias. He was stunned, his moment of surprise allowing her to stare him right in the eyes uninterrupted while her nose was barley a breaths away from his.

As soon as he registered her closeness he quickly jumped away, gaining some distance as he glared daggers at her. He would have rushed away already if it were not for Neal being near by. This wasn't someone he could just glare at and make run away. That made her a danger to them, any danger was no good to be around Neal.

Neal on the other hand didn't understand why Azarias was so on edge. He moved to stand up, wondering what was happening. He could feel the hairs on his arms standing on edge as if in warning. Azarias's strange behavior making him even less willing to just fall back asleep.

A smirk appeared on the girls lips, seeming amused by Azarias's reaction. Well considering the reports, this child surely was not going to be normal. To think it was of this species though, haven't they all died out? Ha, so interesting.

"You know it is rude not to introduce yourself first before asking someone else's name right?" Not that she would give it anyway, only that one person could know her true name. The rest could just call her by her professional title or die.

She was met with silence and she just sighed and let it be, no matter, all she needed to do was bring this boy to His Majesty. They didn't need to get along to do that. He looks rather young with lots of potential though, perhaps he would be of some use if...altered properly to serve.

"No matter to that, you are to come along with me." She suddenly appeared in front of him once again, but this time he was prepared and quickly dodged away before she could grab him. A frown tugs at her lips, but she simply brushes it off before doing so again.

The result was the same. Her with empty hands and him giving a silent glare from afar.

"Go away you ugly thing." Azarias spat in a voice Neal didn't think he was capable of. He glanced back and forth between them, unsure what to do. Going over wouldn't work as they were so quick...or was he already getting so unfit he couldn't keep up with the speed of children? It gave him a headache to think about so he brushed the thoughts away and watched silently, prepared to jump in if given the chance.

At least if Azarias was rushing away, he wasn't getting hurt by whoever this girl was. Which was a relief to him, he didn't know what he would do if Azarias got hurt.

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