Chapter 12 (Unedited)

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The voice that had been quiet since the hatching of the child began to speak in a soft voice. He is attempting to wake up Neal to try another swing at getting him to make a wish. Perhaps he would just wish for him to leave him alone, or not think straight in his freshly awoken state. He needed to try this once more while he could, not wanting to completely give up his chance to obtain Neals body.

"Who are you?"

Azarias's voice had the voice freeze in his tracks, looking over at the now open eyed child staring straight at him.

"You..You can see me?" The voice felt stupid after saying this, of course that child could see him. He was in no doubt Azarias after all.

Azarias's mismatched eyes narrow, eyebrows furrowing along with them as he stares upon the floating figure above the bed. He hadn't payed any attention to this figure even once before, after all it never seemed of much of a concern, to the point he had really overlooked it from the start.

Now, however, with how clear this transparent being was with hovering above Neal calling his name, it made him uncomfortable. Whoever this was he didn't want him near Neal, calling his name with clear ill intentions.

He sat up in the bed, a faint rubble of a growl which usually wouldn't be intimidating from a child. However this was no ordinary child, and the floating figure knew that. Bowing his head slightly, bearing himself submissively automatically from habit. He could never deal well with Azarias's anger, but this Azarias is still newborn, no memories yet. So how could he have gotten his anger so quickly? Unless he received some early, then he knew exactly why he would be so angry to see him.

"I..I am Vallen. It has been a long time since the last cycle huh, I didn't expect to see you again after the eradication of your blood. You know I am sorry for not showing up during that time but I had some problems of my own." He scratches at the back of his non-existent neck nervously, giving a few stale nervous laughs.

He had been busy having his own fun during the eradication of the dragon race, unfortunately he got to caught up in it and ended up sealed up in some moldy damp cave. Who would have thought so many angered humans could get such a plan together? Someone even sacrificing their life to seal him up, so dramatic. Really made the next hundred years boring as all hell, he was itching to start his fun again but his first target is so stubborn! He hates giving up on a target though so he pushes onward.

Azarias continues to stare at him making him shift uncomfortably, wondering what he could do to cool down the atmosphere. Which one was on surface this cycle anyway? Earth would be best because he was the most reasonable, well at least he took the time to listen before attacking him. That didn't mean any of them liked him, they were usually pretty cold to him. Well after all the jokes he played on them he guess he didn't get on any of their good sides, but it was still fun to do! It was just who he was, what was life if he couldn't have fun?

Their relationship could be compared to a siblings, then again they kind of were considering things.

"Why are you here?" Azarias has no idea who this person is, but he does know he has no positive feelings for him what so ever. Just an annoyance and he felt very uncomfortable with him here.

Vallen observes Azarias a moment. Judging by his behavior so far he wondered if he truly did have any memory return yet. If he did, wouldn't he have asked him just what shenanigans he was up to, to not come when asked, or to even appear and make fun at things.

If he really had no memories then why did he stare at him like that? His worried gaze settled and it turned to a more still and cunning one, a smirk upon his lips. Either way why should he be afraid of an Azarias not yet an adult? His power would be like a kittens at this age, no threat to him.

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