Chapter 11 (Unedited)

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"Who is there?" Mismatched eyes scan the trees around him, searching for something not yet in sight. In the dark, something was there, looking at Azarias with a curious gaze. 

Once Azarias turned around his eyes instantly landed on the figure. They then widen in surprise as they took their appearance in, this was another human being such as he and Neal. His surprise came from not expecting to bump into others like Neal and him, after all when living with Neal the only others he saw were the animals. 

Despite it being dark Azarias could see this person quite well. The person being slim, tall, much taller then Neal was, and with heavily tanned skin which made their short cut bright blond hair all the more eye catching. Another difference of them compared to Neal was those slightly pointed ears and eyes as green as the forest around them. 

"I am Alik. Who may you be youngling? What are you doing out here alone in the woods? It is not safe for those as young and small as you." The voice held a heavy accent of some kind, every 'o' he spoke was dragged out slightly longer then necessary and every 'a' sound was replaced with a 'air' sound. Despite this he spoke each word at a fair and slow pace as if to make sure the words got across properly and were not mistaken for another.

Forest green eyes look around, trying to see where this child's guardian may be. Wondering if in all these years a new civilization was created in the lands all but forgotten by many.

"We are Azarias. What do you mean 'not safe?'" Azarias saw no threat from the woods, after all he felt so at home out here how could he see it as dangerous?  What was their to fear? He really could not understand. 

"This is the land of the giant wolves. They are very territorial and if they catch anyone in their lands they will tear them apart. A child like you has no chance of escaping them, let alone be able to scare them off" The stranger steps towards the child, coming more into the moonlight. 

He had a very big 'traveler' vibe, although his height was not normal in human standers, and neither were his ears. His feet are bare without shoes, which was another odd thing, but Azarias did not find any of this odd at all. What was their to be odd about it? This was simply another living being standing in front of him, whos only strange thing was this air about him that drew Azarias closer to him.

Something about him made Azarias very curious of the man who looked no older then 28, he found himself wanting to know why it was he felt so drawn to him. 

"If it is so dangerous, then why are you out here?" Azarais was not frightened by the mention of these 'giant wolves'. He didn't understand what they were, but he felt he had no need to worry of anything born of this land. 

Alik gave a small laugh, as if amused by the child's question.

"I have traveled these lands before, they do not frighten me. I am also a lot older then you child, and know of many ways to evade danger. If I did not, than I would be long dead by now" 

Azarias looks the person over once more, wondering what traveling exactly was but as he thought on it he found himself somehow knowing what it meant. 

Traveling, such a fun thing! How could he have not known what it was? To travel, to see the world unbound by anything and to do whatever he pleased. However to travel would mean to leave home, when he thought about Neal he felt that was not an easy thing to do.

"Why do you travel?" Their must be a good reason to travel, although for Azarias just to see things and fly freely seemed to be the best thing about it, why need any other reason?

"Because I must. I am doing so in place of a good friend who can not." His tone changes to a sad one, as if he were having a flashback in the middle of speaking of old memories with this child.

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