Chapter 16 (Unedited)

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"You are still healing, their is no need to do this for me" Havin reaches out to take the bucket out of Neals hands only to end up unsuccessful as Neal took a step back while turning to avoid his grasp.

"I'm fine now, and I want to do something in return to you for allowing me and Azarias to stay with you these past couple nights. " Neal states, not willing to budge on the matter. If he wanted to be able to continue using the bed here a couple more nights, then he wanted to prove to be of some help so Havin wouldn't send them off to soon.

That and he wanted to show some kindness to the person who took him in when injured. He was not someone to slap or bite the hands that fed him after all.

Havin gave a sigh, scratching the back of his head before a small smile tugged on his lips. His eyes looked straight into Neals as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Fine, but don't push yourself too hard." It did seem like Neal was better, wounds healing nicely..rather so nicely his skin has already been cleared up of any bruise or scratch. It was so strange, Havin couldn't figure it out. It's not like he had used any normal means of treatment, let alone and fancy ones with magical plants or such. " If your going out then wear this."

Havin then headed over to a large trunk pressed against the wall, opening up the top before rummaging through it for a minute or so. He seemed to have a bit of trouble finding something.

"Aha! Here it is!" He holds up a dark blue hooded cloak. The slightly worn looking clothing fairly simple. The only artwork on it being a large symbol of a rabbit, with oversized ears, white silhouette inside of a circle on the back.

He walks back over to Neal and stretches his arm out to present the piece of clothing to him, a grin on his face while doing so.

"Wear this and you won't need to worry of anymore trouble in the village"

Neal takes the cloak, dark purple eyes scanning it over as he wondered why this would make going to get a pail of water any easier. He didn't feel like wasting to much energy on pushing about it so he just set the bucket down so he could get the cloak on over his current clothing. Which was a fresh set of clothes from the clothing they had brought with them.

The cloak is a bit to large for Neal, a few inches of the bottom laying on the ground. Neal wasn't to bothered by it, after all the cloak was not uncomfortable and fairly warm and coated with white fur on the inside. He had not expected it to be so luxurious feeling from when he had been looking at it before. Then again he hadn't noticed the fur lining the collar or hood either, at least not intill he began sliding it on, so he really hadn't inspected it that closely.

Upon seeing Neals surprise when he discovered the soft layer of fur Havin gave a small laugh.

"Its one of the uniforms I have for those who assist me in my work, its the winter addition. I haven't had anyone work under me for a long time so its just been sitting in that trunk collecting dust. " Havin went over to a closet, pulling out a similar looking cloak with the same symbol on it.

"See, this here is mine." He presents this as if to prove his point on this kind of 'uniform'. 

Although Neal didn't quite understand the purpose of this, he gave a nod as if he did. It was comfortable and going much further into it seemed like a pointless tiring activity.

Azarias pressed his nose into the cloak on Neal, sniffing deeply before wrinkling his nose while a frown tugged at his lips. Quickly he grabbed ahold of a bunch of the fabric, pulling at it while looking up at Neal wondering why he accepted this piece of clothing from that stranger.

Looking down at the frowning child pulling at his clothes Neal automatically bent over and lifted him up into his arms. Making it so he carried Azarias on one size while the bucket was in the other.

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