Chapter 5 (Unedited)

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"Hey!!! Wake up!"

A voice seemed to speak from everywhere, including inside him. It was not something he could ignore and go back to sleep listening to, far to loud and odd.

Neal opens his eyes, looking around confused as it was still dark.

Oh right, the cave.

He moved to sit up properly, rubbing at his head subconstiously to see how the scab felt.

Except besides the crustyness of dried blood, he didn't feel any kind of bump. It was odd, but he had to much of a headache to put to much thought into it.

"Hello?" He calls out in a confused tone into the dark, wondering who else could possibly be in this dark cave.

The scent of lavendar fills his nose yet again, reminding him of a scented candle in a small room.

"Hi there! Don't bother looking around, I am right here!" The voice came again. A masculine and cheery voice unfamiliar to him, yet felt it came from withi him yet all around him at the same time. It made him feel rather uncomfortable.

"Who are you?"

"My name is not important, what is important here is today is your lucky day!"

"..." The tone the typical sales man used rung in his ears. So cheerful, confident and most off all...loud.

Without a reply from Neal, the voice continued.

" In return for freeing me I wish to offer you a deal! Oh yes, a once in a life time, rarity, deal! Tell me a anything you want and I shall grant you it, and all I ask in return is you lending me something of yours!" These words felt really sketchy to Neal, that and he was just getting more annoyed by the second.

"I don't care, I don't feel like making a deal with you" Neal states flatly, not wanting to deal with making a deal then having this guy stick around longer because of it. Perhaps try to sell him....offer him more things along the way, so undesirable!

"W...What? Come on here! This is such a special thing! Surely their is something you want? Like perhaps getting out of this cave, I can shove that boulder aside easy peasy!" The voice has disbelief in it, shaking a bit with nervous laughter as it made another pitch of its 'wish granting' abilities.

"No need..I will just figure out a way on my own." Neal didn't trust the voice, that and he really just wanted it to shut up. Just where was this person? How have they not lost their voice already? Ugh he didn't want to deal with this after all that happened, he just wanted to go back to sleep.

He shut his eyes and began ignoring the voice as it began talking about all the other things it could do.

"I said I'm not interested, could you please leave already? I am trying to sleep here!" He spoke without bothering to open his eyes, instead rolling over into a more comfortable position. Well as comfortable as one could be when laying on a hard stone floor.

"Sleep? You do realize you will die in here if you don't get out, right?! What use will you be to me then!"

"Use? What is it you want from me anyway?" Neal knew this voice was sketchy, this little slip up confirming his suspicions.

"Ugh! I just want to grant you a wish! Nothing else to it! Don't you have anything you desire?"The voice grew more nervous, yet also a tinge of annoyance was in its tone.

"If I make a wish I have to do something in return and honestly..I don't feel much like doing anything" Neal moved to get up, deciding to just try and start ignoring the voice and find a way out of here. His mouth felt dry, and the oncoming thirst felt a good enough reason to get on moving.

A Darkening World And A Sleepy ProtagonistWhere stories live. Discover now