5-Mason's birthday party

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ac:hi again I finally got time write again so congrats to meee yey :) enjoy

Liam's POV

Some weeks passed by, everything was normal. Theo is still living with me and my parents! We watch a different movie at my room every night after some awkward chats about our day with my mom. I try to show Theo every good or famous movie since he spent years isolated from life with the dread doctors. I guess you don't have much time to have fun if you're working for a bunch of serial killers who manipulated you. We've both grown closer. Mason and Corey are actually kinda mad cuz they say I'm ignoring them. But I'm not! I just...love spending time with Theo. And I think he really needs a friend, I mean, his life was probably really lonely the only friends he ever had was Scott and stiles. Well and his sister but she's a little too dead. I don't really know a lot about Theo's family he never mentions it. I guess it's a really fragile subject to talk about. I understand but I kinda wish he opened up to me. I'm his friend! I hope he knows that.

Today is Mason's birthday. We're all going to his house to celebrate. With all I mean the pack. Me, Theo, Corey and Nolan are staying the night over since we don't have school tomorrow.

I'm now helping Theo with his stuff for the sleepover. Do you believe he has never packed a bag before? He's lucky he has me! I'm a master at bag packing. When I was 6 my parents got divorced and i used to live week with my dad and another with my mom so I guess I'm really good at packing at this point.

"Are you sure I need this?" Theo asked while grabbing his toothbrush out of the bag.

"Yes Theo you need your toothbrush." I chuckled. I grabbed the toothbrush again touching Theo's hand. Oh shit why do I feel butterflies in my stomach, this isn't supposed to happen. I blushed a little but quickly hide it. After putting the toothbrush on his bag again, I zipped it and threw it next to mine. "See easy! You're all grown up now." the older boy rolled his eyes. He was adorable when he did that. "Now let's go we're already late."

We both picked up our bags and we head to Theo's truck. Half way there I asked:

"Hey T?"

"Ye"replied not taking his eyes out of the road.

"Your name is Theodore right?" Theo gave me a side stare confused but quickly put his eyes back on the road

He nodded "Why you ask baby wolf?" the boy frowned his dark eyebrows

"Then why is your nickname Theo?" He gave me a 'what the fuck' look. "I mean normally your name's nickname is Ted or Teddy, sooo why Theo?"

"I don't know I like it my sister came up with that nickname." My smile faded away as I hear the chimeras heart start racing, poor Theo I know he blames himself for his sister's dead. I want to cheer him up.

"Ok then, now you can say I came up with the name Teddy!" we chuckled

"No I'm not cuz you're not gonna call me that ever. I hate it." I flushed a little. Why is he so damn adorable?

"Yes I am and u can't do nothing about it TEDDY." He rolled his eyes and looked back to the road.

The rest of the ride to Masons house was silent. But a good silence. There were some stares but nothing big of a deal. We were the last ones to arrive as always.

"Happy birthday Mase!" I congratulated him while handing him his present. To be honest I have no idea what there's inside that box. I asked my mom to buy it. Although he's my best friend for years, I never know what gift him in his birthday. Everyone says I'm terrible at gifting people. Once I gave my aunt Sue a trip to a fancy restaurant in Ohio with the really famous because of their meat. I later found out she's vegan. Give bad gifts is in my blood.

"Thanks Liam" mason told me with a warm smile. Me and Theo went up to the rest of the pack and said hi. Me and Theo sat on the couch with our thighs touching, we both noticed it, but neither of us pulled away. We just looked at each other and smiled. It felt natural. The heat of his leg touching mine made me butterflies in the stomach, but I decided to ignore them.

I'm really lazy to write details of the whole party so I'm just gonna explain it lol. Sorry <3

The was so nice! We played video games, we chat, prank called Melissa and argent, it was so funny they totally fell for it haha. It was getting pretty late so the "grown ups" as Scott and stiles say (I hate it but what do u want me to do) started leaving the house. When it was just me theo mason Corey and Nolan we went upstairs to mason's room and started to unpack our stuff, assemble the mattresses and dress our pyjamas.

Theo stripped his clothes off taking everything piece of clothing from his body except his boxers. I found myself staring at his perfectly formed body. His defined abs, his muscled chest, his everything. He felt watched, so he stared at me staring at him. Me and my rosie cheeks quickly turned around before he could notice but his grin told me it was too late.

"Like what you see Dunbar?" I felt my cheeks heat up, but I managed to disguise it.

"You wish Teddy boy" we were both smirking with red cheeks. Mason and Corey looked at eachother and burst out laughing. "What are you two laughing at?" I asked.

"Nothing" they both said trying not to laugh. I bet I was as red as a tomato. But so was Theo. We looked at eachother but quickly looked away. I have to change the subject. "Sooo..." help, what do I say now "this a small room I doubt we all fit here."

"I agree" Nolan said.

"Hm me Corey and Nolan can stay in my bedroom and..." mason smirked looking at his boyfriend and then at me with a happy but *im up to something* face that caught me every single time. "Theo and Liam can take the guest room." oh that's just great. I look around the room and see everyone smirking and giving weird looks to eachother except from me and theo. I feel my heart racing.

"Sure" Theo said "Let's go take our stuff to the guest room" I smiled calming down. His voice was like music to my ears. And as we leave the room mason Corey and Nolan burst out laughing.

ac: hey do you guys like this? Hope yes <3 have a great halloween

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