Chapter 16

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The pro heroes were sprawled on the ground in front of AFO who was both amused and impressed. He'd clap his hands if he weren't carrying Y/n. 

AFO: As expected of No. 4, Best Jeanist!! I was trying to blast everyone away!! But in an instant, you controlled everyone's clothes and pulled them out of the way! Your judgement... technique... You've got nerves of steel! The strength that you possess is the result of considerable training and practical experience... Yours... I don't need yours. Your Quirk... Doesn't suit Tomura's personality.

Y/n's classmates still remained hidden behind the wall which now had cracks and small pieces missing from it. They were all drenched in sweat produced by fear.

Todoroki: What is he...? What happened?

Kirishima: In the blink of an eye. Everything got wiped out!!

Momo: We've got to run away!! Even knowing that...

Iida: Paralyzed by fear... My body won't...

All: My body won't move at all.

A strange splash sound is accompanied by a familiar voice coughing.

Bakugo: Uggh!! Smells like shit... The hell is this!?

AFO: I'm sorry for the discomfort, Bakugo.

Bakugo: Ehh!!? He has L/n!

AFO: Would you mind carrying your classmate. And please, take Best Jeanist's jacket to cover him.

AFO tosses Y/n to Bakugo who barely catches the unconscious boy. The same splashing noise comes from behind Bakugo and the villains from the League appear from the same black liquid that transported Bakugo.

AFO: You've failed again, huh, Tomura? But you absolutely cannot get discouraged. All you need to do is try again. I brought your comrades back for you. And these boys too... Because you deemed them to be important pieces. Try as many times as you'd like. That's why I'm here. Everything... Is for your sake.

Y/n began to stir awake, his eyes slowly opening. Everyone quickly noticed he was awake and Bakugo let him stand on his own.

Y/n: Where am I...?

He looks around at the destruction before noticing he's naked.

Y/n: Whoa, I'm naked. Well, Jeanist won't mind if I borrow his jacket.

He goes over to the downed hero and takes his jacket, putting it on to try and cover up. Luckily due to Jeanist's lanky body, the jacket manages to cover up the things that'll get him a public indecency charge. I'm talking about his dick if you couldn't tell.

Bakugo: Oi L/n, are you fucking blind!? Get the fuck over here! 

Y/n: Yeah, yeah.

He quickly joins Bakugo's side.

Y/n: What's going on right now? I've been out since they grabbed me.

Bakugo: Tch. Shitty villains are trying to recruit us. Who's the fucker in the mask?

Y/n: Hell if I know.

AFO: It seems like he's coming after all...

Y/n looks up, immediately sensing the fast approaching presence. Almost immediately All Might appears, going in to attack AFO who catches both of his fists with his bare hands.

All Might: I'm gonna make you give everything back, All For One!!!

AFO: You're going to kill me again, All Might!!?

The collision between the two powerhouses created enough force to rip up the ground and create a shockwave of air that blew back everyone aside from Y/n who was surprised by this. A smile spread onto his face as he clenched and unclenched his fist a few times.

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