Chapter 5

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(Sorry for the long wait. I got distracted with other things, mainly Persona 5 Royal and Doom Eternal, but that's beside the point. I was curious if there were any stories the readers would like to see. If so, what anime do you want a Reader insert for? I don't want to get burnt out of My Hero Academia. I do have side projects I work on from time to time, but I'm curious as to what the readers want to see. I'll consider pretty much any suggestion, though that doesn't guarantee I'll write anything. I don't do Lemons. It ain't my thing, but I can still write lewd things I suppose if you wanted an ecchi anime. Well, I've finished my whinging, it's time for the story.)

The Noumu's grip weakened thanks to Todoroki's ice attack and All Might was able to escape his grip.

Shigaraki: You pinned down our revolving door... Well now... This is quite the pinch.

Bakugo: Just as I thought, this prick was never all that sharp! That bit on your body you use to get all misty and warp-gatey just got sealed, mother fucker!! You gonna tell me you don't use that warp gate to hide your true body!? Huh!? If the shadow-mist were your true form and you had no actual body then why would you have called any attack dangerous!!?

Kurogiri: Urgh...

Bakugo: Don't you move!! The second you so much as twitch I'll load you with a nice little explosion, right here, right now!!!

Kirishima: Not a very heroic line there, buddy...

Y/n: That's just who he is.

Shigaraki: We've been cornered, and what's more, you're all nearly unscathed. Man, I have to hand it to the kids these days... At this rate, the Villain Alliance will be a laughing stock...! Noumu, go ahead and finish explosion boy over there. We're rescuing our revolving door.

The Noumu began to force its body to stand, shattering the frozen right half and causing it to crumble away.

Midoriya: Wait, how is he moving... Didn't half of his body snap away!?

All Might: Stand back, all of you!!

They all watched as The Noumu began to regenerate its lost muscle tissue, bones, and skin.

All Might: What the!? Wasn't his quirk Shock Absorption!?

Shigaraki: I never said that was the full extent of his abilities. As you can see, he's also got Super Regeneration. Noumu is a human sandbag, artificially crafted to the height of physical fitness in order to withstand you at 100%.

The Noumu took off at speeds the rest couldn't comprehend and threw a punch towards Bakugo, creating a pressurized wind that threatened to blow away the heroes in training and it even blew Y/n's mask off his face. Luckily he caught it in his hand.

Midoriya: Kachan!!!

They then took notice of Bakugo who was right next to them with a shocked expression.

Midoriya: Kachan!!? You dodged him!? Wow!

Bakugo: No, you fucking idiot.

In Bakugo's place was All Might who blood leaking from his mouth and his arms were all battered up.

All Might: ...Do you not know mercy...?

Shigaraki: We had no choice, we had to save our ally, didn't we? And not long ago, one of your kids over there... Ahhh... Which one... The plain-looking one. He tried to beat me up with all his strength. And for whom do you think he mustered up such touching acts of violence for? Hmmm, "Hero"? Now listen here, All Might! I'm very ticked off! We're all categorized as either Heroes or Villains, but at the end of the day, violence is violence. And who gets to decide what is right and wrong? Society does!! The "Symbol of Peace"? Give me a break!! You're nothing more than a bludgeon of oppression yourself! Violence only breeds more violence. And once we kill you, that'll be known to the world!

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