Chapter 3

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Y/n was in a bad mood right now since a sea of reporters was blocking him from getting to school.

Reporter: What's it like having All Might as a teacher?

Instead of responding, he removed the sight of any reporter that got in his way and pushed his way through the crowd and watched as they tried to get into the school, only for a metal door to shut right in their faces, making Y/n snicker.

Aizawa: I hope you're all rested from the exercise yesterday. I took the liberty to review the marks and evaluation of the exercise. Bakugo, stop acting like a 7-year-old. You're wasting your talent.

Bakugo: ...I know.

Aizawa: And Midoriya, are you always planning to destroy your arm? If you keep this up you won't go very far. I've already said this multiple times if you can learn to adjust your quirk then you'll be much more flexible, so I need to see some extra work from you.

Izuku: Yes Sir!

Aizawa: Now let's continue with homeroom. I hate to suddenly spring this up on you all but... we need to pick a class president.

1-A: Finally something normal!

Everyone aside from Y/n's hand shot up.

Kirishima: Ohh! Ohh! I wanna be class president!! Pick me!!

Jiro: I wanna do it too.

Mineta: My manifesto as president: All girls must expose 30 cms of thigh!!

Y/n: Fuck it. I'm in little dude. We're going places.

Aoyama: Oh, you mean the position that exists for me.

Mina: That's like a leader position!! I'll do it! Me, me!!

Iida: BE QUIET!!! This is a task laden with responsibility where you must carry the weight of your fellow peers. Just because you'd like to do it, doesn't mean you can!! It is a holy office that requires the respect and trust of your peers. The only way to choose the best leader possible is through a democratic election! Which is why this should be settled with a vote.

Y/N: But you're hand is the highest...

Asui: It's too early to have developed any trust in anyone yet.

Kirishima: Yeah and everyone will just vote for themselves!

Iida: That is precisely why the person with multiple votes will be the possible choice. IS THAT ALRIGHT SENSEI!!?

Aizawa: Anything is fine as long as you decide by the deadline.

Once everyone had voted and the scores were tallied up, Y/n was looking at the board with an annoyed expression.

Y/n: I'm so sick of today's shit.

Y/n had tied with Midoriya and had three and Yaoyorozu had two while almost everyone had voted for themselves. The ones who hadn't voted for themself were the ones that had no votes. Iida was busy asking himself who could have voted for him while Y/n began to scan the classroom to see who voted for him.

Y/n: Let's see here... Jiro... Kirishima... and Sero. I thought more people would vote for Iida since this was his idea, but I guess I'm the only one.

He unconsciously glared at the three which made them all look away.

Aizawa: How do you two want to settle the tie?

Y/n: Don't wanna do it, Midoriya can have the spot.

Y/n then put his head down while everyone stared at him in surprise.

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