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It's been over 13 years ago since Wilbur's been dead...

 I miss him every day...

I miss joking around with him, singing at 3 am while everybody would be bickering how they want to go to bed...
You miss him... I also miss Phil... but he killed Wilbur, HIS SON, MY BROTHER, MY BEST FRIEND......

I just can't forgive him just yet...
 you'd start mumbling some more nonsense in bed while looking at old photographs of you, Wilbur, and Tommy, techno was in some of them..

He always was the responsible one- Your bedroom door creaked open and interrupted your thoughts.

"Hey Y/N! What do you wanna do today?" He'd ask, for some reason you noticed that he looked a little nervous, but you didn't think much of it.

 You'd respond "Could we visit Wilbur's grave today? I wanna say a final goodbye..".

Tommy's face got a little confused 

"Final goodbye? Does that mean your gonna move on from.... You know what..".

"Yup- well sort of, I'm still gonna miss him... but... he's in a better place now.. I know he is"

 you'd respond, even though you knew deep down that Wilbur was in a worse place.. but you

said that to make you feel better.

"Well, fineeee we can go visit WiLbYs-" Tommy said, getting cut off as you were laughing so


 "YOU CALLED HIM WILBY AGAIN". You'd both start to laugh a little and Tommy pulled you out of bed.

You both at breakfast with Tubbo and Ranboo,

"Hey Y/N how was your night and do you wanna join me, Tommy, and Ranboo in exploring?"

Tubbo said happily, Tubbo has been so nice to you, so has Ranboo,

 even when Wilbur went insane, and the others started getting scared of you because they thought that I would turn out like him...

 But I didn't, because I'm me, and

I'm not

 turning into anybody else 

Walking to the Prison with RevivedburWhere stories live. Discover now