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."I did it!" You turn to look at Wilbur. 

He is standing, in what is now an entrance to Dreams cell, smiling.

 You and Wilbur both enter and you place some stone in the new entrance of the cell where you were mining. 

You get the invisibility potions out and pass one to each Wilbur and dream, then you keep the last. 

You all drink them and put away all the items you are holding. Sam breaks the stone and stands surprised in the cell when he doesn't see you three. 

You all run past him and out of the prison. The sun is rising now and you realise because of how long the mining took it has now been days since you came.

 You all keep running until you get quite far away from the prison. "Don't forget our deal dream, you need to do the favour." Wilbur says.

 "Don't worry I won't forget it, I'll revive him." Dream replies. The potions wear off and you look at dream. "Great." Wilbur says.

Walking to the Prison with RevivedburWhere stories live. Discover now