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"Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!!?!". Tommy was looking foryou, you'd smile and yelled back "TOMMY!!! COME DOWN HERE LOOK WHOSE BACK!!!"

Tommy stared at Wilbur, Wilbur stared back, they both seemed mad.....

Why werethey mad? Ehhh maybe it's just a little quarrel they had from 13 years ago,

 it's gonna be fine! We can all be one big happy family again!

With Phil, andeven techno! He wasn't really family but I think he is, he has been there ourwhole life's, well me and Tommy's, taking care of us

As you and co. walks towards your lads'  house you turned towards them saying

"Lads I'll be taking some items in my house you guys go ahead ok.."

"OK... Y/N" Tommy said "Sure...We'll be waiting for you there" Wilbur said
"See you there guys," Y/N said

As you head towards your house you look back at Wilbur and Tommy, when you look back you only see a glimpse of dirty blond and brown hair


I hope they don't fight, they are siblings, WE ARE SIBLINGS


You arrived at your home you opened your door 

You then walk towards your  bathroom, close the door, Then take a shower

10 mins later 

you then heard a knock at the door


Who is it??

"WHO IS IT....??"

Sorry guys that I didn't post, my laptop broke 

Walking to the Prison with RevivedburWhere stories live. Discover now