Chapter 3

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you'd sit right in front of it, putting all his stuff around his grave,  

"Hey, Wilbur...... I know you probably can't hear me saying this but... I miss you, Wilbur... Everyday... I miss just chilling around with you while watching the sunset, I miss you picking on me and Tommy for being children, I miss everything..... I just wanna see you one more time.... Just one more....... But I can't... since your gone...... So I'm here to say goodbye... we'll just for now... at night I will probably visit you again.... Just goodbye for now, not forever... hopefully-"

 you'd heard a bunch of noises in the distance and pulled your netherite sword out,

"Who's there?!"

You'd yell,

  "I'm not afraid of you, you. I know your there, now just come out!" you'd hear a familiar chuckle, the one you could never forget, you'd drop your sword on the ground and started to cry when you saw


"Well Y/N that's not a warm welcome to your brother? Is it?"

 Wilbur said, while walking up to you when he was halfway almost there, you ran straight up to him and pulled him into a hug.

  "Wilbur I missed you so much!! I-I thought you were gone, I thought you would never come back! I-I thought.... I-I-I thought I would never see-e you again..."

 your voice was cracking up as you said it. Wilbur hugged you tightly "

I missed you to Y/N... So much..... and I'm never leaving again... I promise.."

 he'd responded while crying and smiling at the same time. 

"You promise...?"

 You'd say again,

 "Yes, I promise, now let's stop being sad and have some fun like the good old days!"

He'd say while chuckling, you'd laugh too.

  "What do you wanna do Wilbur?"

You'd ask, wanting to make up for so much lost time! You'd start to think of everything that you could all do together! We could go scavenger hunting like when we were kids! Does everybody else know the amazing news? Or is it only me? I should call the whole server so everybody can know! You'd zone out thinking about all the things that you, Tommy, and Wilbur could do together! All thing things... You'd zone back in when Wilbur was cut off by Tommy yelling,



There y'all go guys

I'm also both into Dream SMP and Krew 

Walking to the Prison with RevivedburWhere stories live. Discover now