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"Okay." Dream replies

"We need to ask you a favour"Wilbur adds hurriedly. 

"Well, what is it?" Dream chuckles. Wilbur looks at you. 

"Well..." You begin. You tell him the favour and he agrees on one condition.

"If you break me out." He says slyly.

You and Wilbur look at each other,debating whether to agree or not. You look back at Dream. 

"Break you out?" "YesY/N." Dream replies impatiently

"We'll do it!" Wilbur says hurriedly. You lookat Wilbur again

"What?" "We will break him out of the prison," Wilbur replies

"Great!" Dream says.

"But it may take a while since this prison is practicallyimpossible to break in or out of," Wilbur mutters. 

"Well, we will be leaving nowto get ready." He says. 

"Okay." Dream replies, "Goodbye." You and Wilbur turnaway. 

"Bye.." You say thinking about what you have got yourself into byagreeing to visit Dream with Wilbur.

"Sam! We are ready to leave!" Wilburcalls. 

Sam sends the platform towards you and you both step onto it.

 Once youget to Sam, you follow him to the exit, you both get your stuff and then youleave.


Sorry guys for the late upload I just actually need a break on my mental health just found out I have ADHD

Walking to the Prison with RevivedburWhere stories live. Discover now