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It's late in the evening now and you decide to go straight to bed.

 Thenext morning, you wake up early and get ready. You walk downstairs and enteryour storage room. 

You open the chest where you keep your weapons and you takeout your netherite sword, pickaxe and a diamond axe in case you need it foranything. 

You then close that chest and open another one, from which you takeout a bow, three invisibility potions and some arrows in case you getcaught. You decide to leave now as it's a fairly long walkfrom your house to the prison. 

On your way, you see Tommy. When he notices you,he runs over to you and walks with you.

 "Where are you going?" He asks.

 "To theprison." You reply. 

"Oh, why? I thought you and Wilbur went yesterday."

 Tommysays slightly confused. "Oh uh." You say trying to think of a lie. "We justwanted to visit him again."

 "Oh okay." Tommy checks his watch. 

"Well I betterget going now, I didn't realize the time I'm late to meet Tubbo and Ranboo," Tommy says, 

"See you later. " "Bye." You say to Tommy.

 Tommy rushes away. Youare nearly at the prison now and soon you see Wilbur waiting for you. "Took you long enough to get here," 

Wilbur says to you impatiently. 

"Sorry, I saw Tommy on the way and I was talking to him whilewalking here." You say apologetically. 

"It's fine, just let's begin now,"Wilbur says.

 After hours and hours of mining, you are halfway to Dream's cell. 

"I didn't think it would take this long." You mutter to yourself. Hearing what you said, Wilbur replies with 

"It's almost impossible to break in or out, what do you expect?" "I don't know."You say. 

Walking to the Prison with RevivedburWhere stories live. Discover now