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Teegan's POV

You know that feeling when you feel like your stuck in time and everything is moving but you. Well that is how I'm feeling right. Never in my life would I think I would receive the news that I received from my parents.

*earlier that day*

"Do you think that this is the right decision Matthew?" I hear my mama ask my dad as I walk into the house from school. It was apparent that these two weren't expecting me home from school so early.
"Yes Cynthia, I think this is a great choice. This way we can keep her safe from the bad choices we made. She doesn't need to be in any part of this." I hear my dad reply.
"But how do you think she will react to the news when she hears it. Do you think she will hate us. Oh God." I hear my mama panic.

Hate them. I think to myself. What could they have possibly done for me to hate them?

"I don't know we'll just have to wait until she gets here so we can tell her." I hear my dad say as I hear them rustling.

Oh no, there getting up. I can't let them know I was eavesdropping. Trying not to get caught I quietly go outside.
After A while, I enter the house again.

"Mama, daddy... I'm home." I yell out stating my presence.

"We're in the living room baby." I hear my mama say.

Making my way into living room I see my dad pacing the floor and my mom sitting on the sofa looking wary. Two tell tell signs in my parents that something was wrong. Very wrong.

"What's wrong?" I ask thinking back to the conversation I overheard a couple of minutes ago.

"Teegan baby, I need you to sit down for me." My mama says patting the seat beside her.

When I sit down my dad starts talking.

"Baby girl there are some things that you don't know about your mom and me." He starts off.

"Like what? I question wondering what the hell my daddy could be about to tell me.

"Well... For starters me and your mom and I were heavy gamblers before you were born. We thought that after you were born we would be able to stop. And for a while we did. But the addiction was just to strong, and we failed." He explains looking shamed face.

"But after a while the addiction became really strong. To strong for us too fight. And so we went back to our old ways and started to gamble again. For awhile we had it all under control. We were winning everything and were on a high.

Interrupting them I ask, "was that around the time when you started to buy me everything I wanted"? There was a time where mama and dad spent coins on me. And when I mean coins... I mean coins. Buying me all the clothes and shoes I want, the latest phone and taking me wherever I wanted to go.

"Yes" my mom answered.

Continuing the story my dad starts up again. "And then everything started to go wrong. We stopped winning."

"It was as if our luck just ran out."my mama interjected.

"But we just couldn't stop gambling. So even though our winning streak was up, we kept playing. I guess we were hoping that it would gradually come back. It never did."

"We were losing so bad that one day we got a loan from some people. Big people in the gambling business. Loan after loan was giving to us to see if we could get back on the good streak. And loan after loan we lost not only our money, but their money. Slowly this addiction was once again taking over our lives." My dad explains.

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