Chapter 24

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Zya and Luis Gutiérrez

Teegan's POV

Standing in front of me stood the Gray haired man. He had a sinister look to his face. I knew this man from some where I just couldn't place It at the time.

Along with the man stood the two twins that used to live with us. Each of them carry a pistol in hand and ready to shoot.

Also standing with the man are Carla and Tatiana. My old nurse and Manny's old girlfriend. Two girls that hated my guts.

I look at the boy standing alone, except for the two bodies he has dropping beside him. His hair is longer than I remembered. Facial hair covers his face. Those brown eyes that I used to love looking at look detected. Bloodstained.


And the two blood dripping, and bruised people behind him are my parents.

I gasp making eye contact with the Gray hair man. He smirks at, kneeling down so that he is eye level with me, and places his hand on my pregnant belly. I jerk away from him.

He stands up and commands everyone to go somewhere. Sending both Carla and Tatiana to Manny.

Manny has yet to wake up, his head still droopy.

"So I know that your wondering why I have you and your friends all here tied up. Well I'll tell you." the gray man says as he touches my mom's head.

"I'll say it all started seventeen years ago aye. Cynthia, Matthew, and I are All in our senior year of college. Now I wouldn't say that we were friends. Hell we weren't friends at all.

Matthew and I were always in competition. Always trying to one up each other in everything that we did. I won most them. That was my specialty. Winning at things. Matthew however won the biggest prize of them all. Or stole it." He goes on to explain. My dad makes a sound of annoyance.

"I didn't steal anyone. She willingly came to me." my dad bites out. He came to a couple minutes ago.

"YES YOU DID!" The gray haired man screams as he slaps my dad.

"DAD!" I scream out in anguish.


"You see this was supposed to be my wife here." he says pointing to my mother. "And this was supposed to me my daughter baring my grandchildren." he says pointing to me.

"I knew about your parents gambling problem. So I got a friend of mine to "loan" them some money one night while playing. The money however was just a ploy to get them into line of fire. But I always had a plan."

"You see I knew about you Teegan. I knew that you were there everything. That they'd do whatever they could to protect you.

When they sent you to Miami I knew my plan was working. After finding where you would stay I knew I had y'all just were I needed you to be. With the twins being my eyes and ears I always knew what was happening.

Recruiting the other three was just for fun. I knew they all a resentment towards you Teegan." he says wrapping up everything.

"So why did you kidnap all of us if you only wanted my parents and I?" I ask getting fidgety these twins were not playing today.

"Ahh well because I wouldn't be fun without them. You see at first I only wanted to get rid of your dad. You know kill him and I win whatnot. But then I got this amazing idea in mind. Why nit just kill them all?" he says with a evil glint in his eyes. This man was borderline crazy.

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