Chapter 13--Part Cuatro

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Sergio's POV

How could that bastard? Start to date Teegan behind my back in secret. He was too much of a cowardly bitch to stand up and tell me that he was dating her. And then thought that I wouldn't find out about it. Ha. Guess they jokes on him. He's the one with the broken jaw bone.

My rant is cut short by the shrill sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello." I answer.

"Don't ask any questions just listen. Your hurt right that Juan Manuel is dating Teegan right." The mystery caller answers. I could tell that the had something that changed their voice.

"Yea." I answer.

"Well we have a way that you can get both of them back for what they did. If you'd like to find out meet us at the Boarding Dock Cafe a werk from today at 6pm. Don't be late." The mystery caller says. Before hanging up. I write down the information before getting ready to shower. Juan Manuel is going to get what's coming for him.
Malik's POV

I hated that school was out because it was the only time that I got to see Teegan. She was really the only friend I had and right now I needed her the most. Currently I was sitting in my room scared and waiting for my next beating. My dad has been extra hard on me recently. Deciding not to wait around for the beating, I head out. I found out from Pablo and Luz that Teegan was dating her big brother Juan Manuel. At first I was sad but then I got over the fact. It wasn't that I didn't like her or anything. It was just the fact that I knew me and her would never be together. I could always see that her heart belonged to someone else. No matter if she knew it or not. But I did get an amazing friend out of her and that I don't want to lose.

Pulling out my phone I decide to text her.

Me.. Hey Teegs

Two minutes later she replies

Teegs.. Malikkkkkk!!!!!!

Me.. What you doing baby girl?

Teegs.. At the hospital with Manny. Y wats up?

Me.. Nun. Think I could join u?

Teegs.. Sure I could use some moral support and it sound like you do to. Come on up. I'm on the fourth floor. I'll be sitting in the hallway.

Me.. Okay see you in 10.

Teegs.. I'll be waiting.

Thirty minutes later and me and Teegan were sitting in the hallway eating terrible hospital food and talking.

"So how have you been Malik?" Teegan asks me.

"Good." I answer shortly and go back to my sandwich.

"Malik I see the bruise on your face and it looks fresh. Is your dad still beating on you?"

"Yeah but I'll be 18 in three months. Than I could move out and not deal with it anymore." I explain shrugging off the topic.

"Malik in three months you could be dead. You need to get out of there now. You know at sixteen you can divorce your parents right." She tells me and in confused.

"Divorce my parents?"

"Yeah you know take them to court. Tell the judge all about what your dad does to you. I'll be your witness if you need you. And does bruises will help your case. Malik you could get out of there with your life." She tells me with care in her eyes.

"I'll think about it. Look I got to get home before my dad does. Text you later." I gave her a quick hug before walking away.

As I was walking away I see Sergio walking. I was gonna say hey to him but something in his face told me not to. He had a look of pure hate. That was a look designed for someone who was ready to kill. I had to remember to remind Teegan of that.
Part four is all done. These parts were to set up all the drama that is too come up in the next chapters. In gonna try to end this book in ten more chapters. Thanks for reading.

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